25 SEPTEMBER: THE CALL CENTER symbolic embrace ICT TELECOM PERSONAL Pursuing our struggle for the reinstatement of the dismissed workers and 36 for calling Telecom disinfection measures before confirmed cases of influenza A in our jobs, we call on all social sectors, workers and students to join the symbolic hug take place next Friday, September 25 at 17 pm., in Carlos Pellegrini 27 (and Rivadavia), Ciudad de Buenos Aires. There is located the call center and we will require the company to immediately return to our jobs.
In the 5th. hearing we had, Telecom Personal ICT refused to reinstate all workers but believed that it would stop our struggle, is wrong. We are stronger than ever, and the company we retrotayera in part the situation and our struggle we managed that 7 of our sisters and brothers back to work, so I will fight for the end of our unjust, discriminatory and treacherous layoffs part of a foreign company does not comply with Argentine law and basic human rights.
fraternally ask them to join us, as they have done so far, in the embrace of the call center Telecom for we can all return to work. We remind
: Friday September 25 at 17 pm., In Carlos Pellegrini 27 (and Rivadavia), Buenos
Many thanks to those who have joined us here : Banco Provincia Workers, Hospital Garrahan, French, Association of State Workers (ATE), Subway, Cronica, Buenos Aires University Federation (FUBA), Graph FP, Coca Cola, College Carlos Pellegrini, Telephone, Teatro Colón, People's Assembly, INCAA, Red Band Workers Center of Arts Students (UBA), Combatives Mercantile, PO, PTS, Left Socialist Civic Coalition, Project South Centrál Argentina Workers (CTA), Buenos Aires A National Company (BAUEN), Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founder, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Mother Radio, Rock And Pop, Continental, National Radio, Satellite TV Black, AM 650, contra informative Fire In The Streets, El Ojo Obrero, lawmakers and national deputies, employees of Kraft Food Terrabusi Factory Without a Boss (FASINPAT), Employees of different call centers, among others. Sergio: 011-1566157283
David: 011-1531979421
most grateful