Saturday, July 24, 2010

Country Curtain Ideas

Alberto Mora Laguna

Edna Pozzi

In this house no longer fit the dead.
No candles at midnight between
or fog that confuses the landscape but at noon

full sun on the plains and endless crying. Or the mountains

repeat the cry. Here we sit

and try to understand the passage that connects the past

the traces of this.

No blame lies without fear
of wielding the truth. Innocent

beaten like the wolf in the fable. Innocent as the condor

Olegario Victor Andrade.
And I remembered also
said José Hernández. Barbarians

as a young woodmen

and do not know how to continue.

(many voices in chorus
keep telling us "I was traveling the pain" of mud on roads
no time)

In this house no longer fit the dead. In yuyales

unburied dead are Huaqui Cancharayada
those Vilcapugio, those Ayohuma. And

patriotic parades marching ghosts.
The ghosts of warriors
they would win in seven days Asunción
and hiding their bodies are rotting

in tropical swamps.

Where are the dead of September 16, 1955

strafed by planes in Plaza de Mayo. Or those who riddled

fell on the bridge of Arroyo Saladillo. Or beheaded

the refalosa dancing in his blood.

are not rumors.
In this house no longer fit the dead.
The gasps in the concentration camps

thousands of voices muted by the earth. And death

water at night screaming sobs
in the South Atlantic coast. Or the tortured martyrs
y muertos
por ser hombres cuyo delito fue
escribir nombre de varón
en el corazón de sus almohadas.

Teas apagadas por el espantoso
susurro: "yo fui viajero del dolor"

qué herencia de la patria dolida
nos queda
si ni siquiera hay fuego para quemar tanta mentira.

Alberto Lagunas (1940). Poeta, narrador y ensayista nacido en San Nicolás de los Arroyos, donde reside. Incluido en varias antologías de su país ("Primera antología de cuentistas nicoleños" (1984), también lo ha sido en otras de América latina. Como narrador, su "Diario de un vidente" won the first international prize competition organized by the Editorial Losada en, 1980. Literary criticism Inés Santa Cruz said: "Gaps built a character named Alberto Lagunas, a sort of cronopio Rosario-nicoleña with mathematical insight, the heart of romantic poet embarked on English baroque mazes connects with the symbolism. A being hypersensitive to live for literature and aspires to a just world. " "Forgotten Songs" and "In this house no longer fit the dead" are listed among his poems.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Happens To Latex Paint When It Freezes



And then I said to the wolf:
the world has changed and the springs are carried
traces of my footsteps in the forest.
I walk away from the sowers of words in the air.
swim among the sharks and dying fish stocks.
That basket is just the nostalgia of my mother,
a form of clouds in the afternoon. Do not believe
safe from the monsters of the night.
I have the big eyes
to never stop looking. "

Sylvina Bach (1975). Poet and writer born in the province of Tucumán, where he lives. Degree in Psychology studies the doctorate in psychology at the UNT (National University of Tucumán). Assiduous concurrent meetings nacionales de escritores, fue seleccionada por el poeta Santiago Silvester para integrar la antología "Poesía Joven del Noroeste Argentino". También intervino en otras antologías que reúne trabajos en prosa, como "Monoambientes", que compiló Andy Nachon. Su poética se vale del recurso nada fácil de la analogía para transmitir al lector lo que él mismo debe descubrir, para luego asombrarse. Aún no ha editado libro de poesía de su autoría.

Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie Piss

Bach Horacio Guarani


Si se calla el cantor calla la vida
Porque la vida, la vida misma es todo un canto
Si se calla The singer, dies of fright
The hope, light and joy.

If silences the singer left alone
The humble sparrows newspapers,
Port Workers
Who will cross themselves fighting for their wages.

That has to be in life if he sings
not lift his voice in the stands
For the sufferer, for which there is no reason
condemning him to walk without a blanket.

If silences the singer dies
pink rose That serves no
singing the song should be a light illuminating the fields
always the underdogs.

street Not the singer because silence
Coward manages the evil that oppresses
not know The singers never hold
crouching in front of the crime.

them rise up all the flags
When the singer with his shout plant
A thousand guitars bleed into the night
An immortal song to infinity.

If the singer is silent ... Calla life.

Horacio Guarany [Eraclio Cereijo Catalina Rodriguez] (1925). Poet, songwriter and novelist. Born in the Herons, Santa Fe, lives in Luján, Buenos Aires. He was one of the pioneers who opened the National Folklore Festival Cosquín (Córdoba) in 1961. The rough work of Mount Santa Fe, first, and the various offices that later served to survive-and-only schools were those nutrients for your creativity. At 18 he was Buenos Aires where he tried to live the song, which managed only many years later in 1955 joined the Communist Party of Argentina. In the 70's was forced into exile after suffering a bomb attack and at the continuing threats from the Triple A, finally settling in Mexico and Spain. He returned to his homeland in 1978, during the military dictatorship, which again have a new attack, yet they remained in their country. He paced his song and poetry by all Latin American scenario, the former Soviet Union, not few in Europe. Among his novels are cited "sapucay", "The crazy war" and "growing." unquestionable The lyrics of this popular decidor know your audience move with warmth while force because they are born of the same roots which nourish the people, it is not enough, say it is rather essential. His compositions have been collected into a book.