Claudia Alejandra Giglio
The other is ...
only a glass eye
looking for other eyes
I have pain or something.
The other does not speak, and comes shortly
goes well.
has saved me without my understanding
but do understand it?
In some
kept me going but I'll
stiff, silent
in my land, my place.
Giglio Claudia Alejandra (1962). Poet and writer born in Villa Elisa, Buenos Aires, lives in La Plata. Simultaneously attends races and Agricultural Engineering, Journalism and Social Communication, both at the UNLP. In 1998 he began participating in competitions of poetry and short stories in which he won several awards: Medal of Honor in the Poetry and Short Story Contest Rio de la Plata (Buenos Aires, 1998), First Prize Short Story Competition Scheder National Arts Centre Arts (BA, 2000) and Medal of Honor Story International Competition Hesperides and Poetry (La Plata, 2004), among others. His poetic concise, tightly-verse emphasizes the surrounding reality without resorting to predictable metaphors, far from everything easily. Has not yet published poems.