Saturday, December 19, 2009
Business Jets Blueprints
Looks Is she?
cavalier cat rests as
embroidered quilt on the couch.
The head on pillow
of rich velvet turban
gold silk slippers without
necklaces, earrings,
pearl bracelet.
greedy mouth a bunch of grapes
that in his hands trembling.
on the table
ivory guess
a steaming samovar
an ashtray
gold silver service.
In her dreams Ramona
confused scenes Salome
soirees of Ali Baba,
Venetian masks
mists of Marseille,
she is one and many, François Scheherazade
Aldina Margarita.
When he wakes in Buenos Aires : Ramona Montiel
for romance novels by
bolero lyrics and romances
Fidanza Yoli. Poet and writer born in Buenos Aires City, where he lives. Works in cultural publications in your country and abroad. It has also been translated into French, Italian and inglés.Poemas of authorship were music by Rita Paolucci. He was awarded the The meeting of two worlds (Mexico, 1992) and Nobel Casa de las Americas-section novels for children and young people-(Cuba, 2009). About his book "Woman: celebration of light and shadows" Perz said Norma Martin: "Yoli Fidanza opens its targeted to the world (from antiquity to the present). Sing to Nefertiti, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Teresa of Avila Juana Azurduy, Camila O'Gorman, Frida Kahlo, Edith Stein, Marguerite Yourcenar, and others. " His other poetry books: "Endearing trade", "Romance de Anacaona" and "The Universe Ramona Montiel.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My Knee Hurts On The Inside

The deal announced last week the company was closed for a total 263 million U.S. dollars to pay in cash. Constitutes the largest acquisition of global outsourcer based in Tampa, Florida. One of the objectives of Sykes with this move is to grow in the health sector and government, while expanding its geographic reach. In 2006 ICT Group had acquired Project Connect, Argentina company specializing in customer service, telemarketing and technical support centers in Buenos Aires and Mendoza. That same year, in turn, had acquired Sykes 80% of the outsourcer Cordoba Apex, through an investment of $ 27 million, with the aim of strengthening its presence in the region and continue to scoop the profits at the expense of over-exploitation of workers. Just as we got the mask them when they were ICT GROUP, will continue now that they are SYKES. Morganite Rings
Because we share the same hardships, the same operation, the same ill-treatment, low wages due to the insecurity and labor outsourcing, impaired, almost inhuman working conditions, suffering from occupational diseases, with fake posts by the company delegates and the union is that we share with you, the workers and call centers across the country this feeling of weariness and tiredness for everything you have and tell you that despite all the negative things we decided not to stand idly by watching the patterns are lining their pockets at the expense of our health and through work us and we do but when we collect our wages are miserable and we are not even framed as we really are: PHONE IN @ S! As workers laid off as Telecom-ICT-Sykes-Staff in July 2009, claiming hygiene measures in cases of influenza A in our jobs, we face not only the company and the outsourcing but also the self-styled "employee representatives" Employees' Union of Trade, Armando Cavalieri instead of defending the claim dismissed for 38, they sold us, pointing to each one / to those who had sought and were placed on the side of employers and their representatives that no phony / a worker chose bullied us and prevented any decision of our struggle to not affect business interests. As laid-off workers also face the Ministry of Labour and the National Government to support the work poor and the super-exploitation in the call centers, with which telephone monopolies such as cheaper labor costs and are among the companies with higher profits in the country. They do not want us to organize because it is easier they proceed with their plans mega-operators. Before the conflict began, Telecom and was acting against the workers to identify those who might express their discontent over poor working conditions, health and safety. Nevertheless, we got the return of 7 brothers and sisters who today, at 5 months after starting the conflict, continue to work. We show that ... If we can! So do not be afraid to put a finger delegates the company and union complicity, fear not start movilizarte, cautiously but shut up, there are thousands and that the we got tired and said that we squeeze BASTA our physical and mental health. We call on all / as the / workers of all call centers, no matter where you are or how they are. The more we are, the show our anger, the greater the chances for a fair wage, jobs and a clean and safe deal of respect for us from the company. For that we need to organize ourselves and have our / as themselves / as delegates workers / as they are elected in democratic elections and basic mandate. He or the company must lead by example by continuing with their homework, talking all the time with working class base, conducting assemblies where deciding the next steps, not using his role to spend a few days "resting" or just go to take the job mate: the officer is our voice and our action and that should be at the height of the circumstances and class. We must also promote the union of workers hired to staff and that everyone is equal and that not a single employer or union continue to exploit us, sickening and humiliating: only unity between workers of different branches and sectors that are struggling the defense of their organizations and demands can beat union-business alliance. So employers and bureaucratic leaders fear both the development of democratic delegate body and militant comrades such as Subway, who democratically discussed at meetings with a mandate and in oneness with the outsourced have been joining the Convention, 6hs work and recover the lost wages for inflation. We must also fight for the right of workers to form committees of women to take maternity care in all parts of trabajo.Todos and all we must realize that we / you are really and unquestionably the generators of wealth carried employers and their allies and we must have a wage and decent working conditions. We should also know that we will succeed only through the mobilization and unity of each and every entry as entrepreneurs will yield nothing because take refuge in laws and state institutions supported by this government that have generated such a precarious jobs whose gain is outstanding but the / as workers receive only crumbs.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
How To Make Your Pubic Area Have Lighter Skin
dream that at this time
be thrown into the street
open chest
more open with his back still
get out of all the mud,
beloved of all garbage and disgusting.
dream that one day will come
to sleep in my bed,
to spray my shadow with his eyes
absolute and tremendous.
think that my child will a good guy,
on Sunday noon when
jump to Wednesday
simple and old.
dream that suddenly you see
near from what sometimes occurs to me,
screaming that I'll never leave never,
that I will attend the opening of a street,
the last execution,
to open my little eyes rather large
and learn to stay alive.
José Eduardo Ramos (1953 - 1977?). Poet and journalist born in the province of Tucuman and disappeared in the same province. He worked at his trade in daily "Noticias" and Channel 10 television. Was abducted from his home with his wife. His poetry reflects the same breath of his life: a brief, free, strong. Book of poetry: Poems everyday. "
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Raven Riley And Kates
harvesters ZAMBA OF
When bleeding fatigue
his night of absence by the immensity
scream your box, harvesters,
vidala moaning why not.
Biting hear machetes,
the rump slicing the cane;
and frost bites you
of that nostalgia in solitude.
guitar in a loin cloth
as zambero
my song is raining
for your sorrow, harvesters.
Sing a blaze of Maloja
the bitter mystery of your distress,
still blur of the mill,
chest will tighten your dream of sun.
sleeps the moon in the groove
expect cloudy dawn of alcohol, wearing a poncho back
your life, harvesters, cane dried.
Alma García (1926-2008). Poet, writer, composer and educator born in the province of Tucumán, where he died. He lived in Buenos Aires for several years, where he created and led "This land of a" -name that would also give his only full-length album, "radio program that aired on National Radio. Many of his creations were musicalized by important musicians, including Carlos Guastavino, who notes to the poem put "Yo, teacher." was named Outstanding Citizen of Culture Tucumana. His poetry does not separate from the voice of the earth, and the clay of his own voice and word roots nourished, both plethoric of harmony and feeling. Book of poetry: "In the light and the bird."
Friday, October 16, 2009
Where To Gay Cruise South Beach
Knee Surger For 80 Year Old
Friday, October 9, 2009
Coffin Plans Halloween
Hi all, I'm Grace, (Sesa Select farewell outsourcing business that works for ICT) Select Sesa was suspended without pay when I was forced to resign (to which I said no) then farewell to participate in the fight with fellow dismissed. I'll mention that I am a teacher and mother of a 6 year old, and for different life situations, economic and personal, I say yes to that contract which is not observed just the labor contract law, said yes to that psychological abuse, both for myself and my teammates, to a physical space where I was constantly at risk of contracting influenza and spreading it to my son and my loved ones, the managements of the company, laying off and underestimated every day with placards and their way of working. ICT works that way in this space were all in a place where you can not help your partner or ask for help because you lose 30 seconds of call, in that place we were looking at how to change it, and even today we are all out, our fight was to show the company that the workers we realize its dealings, that we are thinking people who want a better future we are willing to give fight against what we consider unfair. So it was predictable reaction in response to discriminatory dismissals ICT.
best thing that could happen peers, despite the conflict, found us, you have fought for that we believe can be changed if we joined forces so today, I say "no", not the garbage contract, no work demoralizing because the work is generating dignity, not to we continue to impose its laws, that my colleagues continue to suffer the very poor working conditions because they have no other choice, do not want my son to go through this the day you leave to find work, I do not want companies like ICT, SESA SELECT and many others are still making fun of us, let us fight, because here we are and together we will achieve something, what matters is not giving up, and believe in ourselves, because soon we too, would have been worse not to answer the machinations of the bosses. So adhere to proceed considering that we all can change this reality, let us add strength, let's put the heart, body, hands, our voices to make us hear, but mostly let 'the desire of wanting to change our present to have a better future.
Thanks to all who support this kind of struggle, is an honor to be part of you.
Gra, bridal SELECT SESA.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Brown Hair With Purple Highlights

The conflict erupted between the U.S. company Kraft Food, ex Terrabusi and the workers unfairly dismissed by ordering hygiene before flu cases confirmed in their jobs has led many angles from which highlights a broad solidarity Inter-working and student to which is added the feature, by workers, ignoring the self-styled "representatives" workers, mainly Rodolfo Daer and Hugo Moyano, the Workers Union of Food Industry (STIA) and the General Labour Confederation (CGT), respectively.
The reaction of the union bureaucrats did not take long, and coinciding in their statements, the company stated that "workers are ultra-left and are very radical" (sic).
words caught the two leaders just as it was expected that such statements against the workers' struggle and no mess to the company. Is common. What did surprise, both the government of President Cristina Fernández as the dome association, is the self-determination and workers go in depth with their own ideas and methods and building on social sectors, independent and leftist parties. .
Cristina's government has acted "warm" in this conflict of enormous scale in which the multinational violates all kinds of Argentine law, dismissed union delegates who have privileges, facilities and militarized used as a real field concentration suppressing and arresting workers indoors.
As a worker fired from Telecom Personal ICT I handled identically in both conflicts: a multinational dismisses workers for having asked hygiene pandemic influenza A, uses repressive state forces to intimidate (and paste), continue firing despite the conflict and is worth adding another similarity: a union, in this case the Trade (SEC), which Armando Cavalieri has defended the laburantes and left to drift to an international business corporation.
is a classic Argentine unions not to defend their constituents at the right time. It is not news to have more dialogue with companies with the workers. If you have even suspended a crackdown "due to rain." Now the bureaucrats feel threatened by workers' ultra-leftists and radical "than are no longer submissive to his words and actions. Slowly but surely the Argentine proletariat returns without waiting for the demonstrations supported by any bureaucracy, but we stand where we identify each other: our colleagues from all sectors of society and the students who suffer and experience the same thing we .
Kraft The labor struggle will surely mark a before and after in the local working masses: if we lose, employers used to make us take warning that defeat for daring to stand as equals and that is why we must pull together and all workers in the country in a move to the advanced self-defense right fierce that in times of prosperity and especially in crisis would have us pay their dealings with each and all of us. "Remember that each of us, alone, is worth nothing. Above all, are always capable of feeling deeply any injustice committed against anyone anywhere in the world."
Sergio, a worker laid off from Telecom Personal ICT
Monday, October 5, 2009
Top Theatre Plays Of All Time
From time to give to life
Armando Tejada Gomez, Armando
of the brothers, was a sea
and lost its edge, ay ,
was a sea and lost its edge.
boyfriend to a zambita,
pastor of endless nights,
shedder of heaven, mail
hidden voices, hallucinated buddy
on ranches and still lives, liberties
loved Armando Tejada, man.
From time to give to life
Armando Tejada Gómez. Armando
minstrel was a sea and lost its edge, ay,
was a sea and lost its edge.
With his six-string guitar
Cuyo and a thousand beauties, which Tuning
his presence, how wise in
Who gave his beard? What fire
stopped their gifts?
What was his laughter Armando
From time to give to life
Armando Tejada Gomez, Armando of the Northern
was a sea and lost its edge, ay,
was a sea and lost its edge.
On the banks of
tears and hear their hearts beating
the song with all
poets and bleeders. Height
circulating through fields and towns.
America is in its absence, Armando
bouquets of love.
From time to give to life
Armando Tejada Gomez, Armando
, my friend, Armando
was a sea and lost its edges, ay,
was a sea and lost its edge.
Horacio Ferrer (1933). Poet, writer, biographer and journalist born in Montevideo, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, who possesses dual nationality, it is also Argentina. He worked in several newsrooms of newspapers and magazines in Buenos Aires. Member of the Academy of Tango Argentina, has among other honorable distinctions of being Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires City. It is one of the leading innovators of the poetry of tango, which gave a new language, according to time they will live: "Last Grela", "Chiquilín of Bachín." "Juanito Laguna aid his mother, "" El Gordo triste "," Chau, Flaco! "," White Bicycles "and the very famous " Balada para un loco ", one of the great landmarks of his inspired creativity are just some samples of his poetic career, spanning more than two hundred compositions, among which also shines the little opera "María de Buenos Aires " with music by Astor Piazzolla, with whom he also composed many issues. His biography of Anibal Troilo ( Pichuco) is a vast frieze comparable to the "Balzac" by Stefan Zweig, and his work "The book of tango, folk art in Buenos Aires", in three volumes, a permanent reference material for beginners and students of music more feeling generated River Plate. Benarós Leon said it "is the Xul Solar of poets," seven words alone are enough to place him in a privileged place among American minstrels. Cited in his poems: "Ballads canyengue" and Verses Elf. "
Monday, September 28, 2009
Court Ordered Community Service Letter

The Telecom workers and ICT support staff and the struggle of the workers Kraft Food, ex Terrabusi that have recently been brutally repressed by request reinstatement in their jobs after being fired for demanding hygiene (the same reason that we were fired) to confirmed cases of influenza A in the factory located in General Pacheco, Buenos Aires.
continue attending every place where they carry out their fight because we believe strongly that their struggle is our struggle and the brotherhood unites us working. Against multinational employers and trampled by Argentine law is based on American law, protected by government inaction.
ICT workers of Telecom
Monday, September 14, 2009
Meralgia Paresthetica And Acupuntuur
A newly struck, dying
interviewed exclusively by mobile two.
Estrellitas who shout to the ¨ ¨
cameraman focus them more talent.
Talk show, reality show ... Misery television.
A man that has taken place and women have become
but now repented.
A lady who has a prosthetic tail lolas
because the doctor was wrong.
Talk show, reality show ... Misery television.
A transvestite whore loudly and fight
with the girls who sell love.
Talk show, reality show ... Misery television. Vi
fly a punch, but did nothing to stop it
the moderator.
if llegan al extremo no hagan zapping , ya volvemos,
vaya a un corte señor director.
Talk show, reality show... Miserias de televisión.
Ellos creen que la gente es tarada y no presiente
que es un circo toda esa agresión.
Talk show, reality show... Miserias de televisión.
Un corrupto delincuente se confiesa ante la lente
y por eso se siente un señor.
Una feria chabacana donde la bajeza humana
se difunde sin ningún pudor.
Talk show, reality show... Miserias de televisión.
Todo esto bien armado y proyectado in the schedule
designed to protect the child.
Talk show, reality show ... Misery television.
Ignacio Copani (1959). Poet and songwriter born in Villa Lynch, Buenos Aires. Shortly before the age of 20 he moved to Mexico where he began his professional career in the 6 years he lived away from home, took his poetry made song by different stages of the world. In Argentina acted in the main theaters and stages of mass meetings of the Federal Capital and the provinces, and is continuing its assistance as an act of solidarity is convened. He has authored more than 1,200 topics and has published two hundred of them. While it has not edited a book of poems (his message on his voice comes alive through the disks), is a real talkative, incorruptible, brave, critical and accurate review, which draws its word poetry in the most reliable sources of his people .
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Speech For Grandparents 60th Anniversary
Pursuing our struggle for the reinstatement of the dismissed workers and 36 for calling Telecom disinfection measures before confirmed cases of influenza A in our jobs, we call on all social sectors, workers and students to join the symbolic hug take place next Friday, September 25 at 17 pm., in Carlos Pellegrini 27 (and Rivadavia), Ciudad de Buenos Aires. There is located the call center and we will require the company to immediately return to our jobs.
In the 5th. hearing we had, Telecom Personal ICT refused to reinstate all workers but believed that it would stop our struggle, is wrong. We are stronger than ever, and the company we retrotayera in part the situation and our struggle we managed that 7 of our sisters and brothers back to work, so I will fight for the end of our unjust, discriminatory and treacherous layoffs part of a foreign company does not comply with Argentine law and basic human rights.
fraternally ask them to join us, as they have done so far, in the embrace of the call center Telecom for we can all return to work. We remind
: Friday September 25 at 17 pm., In Carlos Pellegrini 27 (and Rivadavia), Buenos
Many thanks to those who have joined us here : Banco Provincia Workers, Hospital Garrahan, French, Association of State Workers (ATE), Subway, Cronica, Buenos Aires University Federation (FUBA), Graph FP, Coca Cola, College Carlos Pellegrini, Telephone, Teatro Colón, People's Assembly, INCAA, Red Band Workers Center of Arts Students (UBA), Combatives Mercantile, PO, PTS, Left Socialist Civic Coalition, Project South Centrál Argentina Workers (CTA), Buenos Aires A National Company (BAUEN), Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founder, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Mother Radio, Rock And Pop, Continental, National Radio, Satellite TV Black, AM 650, contra informative Fire In The Streets, El Ojo Obrero, lawmakers and national deputies, employees of Kraft Food Terrabusi Factory Without a Boss (FASINPAT), Employees of different call centers, among others.
Melissa: 011-1555138281
David: 011-1531979421
Saturday, September 12, 2009
How To Get Facebook Login History
Victim and victimizer
As a scheme
intriguing pieces by eye-someone-
laughed off the pace, happiness
-steps by the laugh-
someone hidden
Spectators enjoying the perverse pleasure
someone pregnant
air of indifference, "someone laughed
Victim of man, man's happiness
-someone laughs, yet.
Lapeyrière Amelia. Poet and writer born in Buenos Aires, lives in Longchamps. He was part of the CD-delegation SADE Admiral Brown; worked in the Ministry of Education and Culture of the town Brownian. Co-founder of For the Love of Art . "From the threshold of the possible" is the title of his book of short stories. "They get their verses same way that should tremble in his mind initially [...] not wear artificial poetic egotism that so tight as devastating, "said the poet Alfred A. De Cicco. poetry books published:" Unanimous beat "," This instance infinite " .
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Pokemon Soul Silver R4 Cheat
Next Monday September 7 at 11am. concentrate in Callao 110, Buenos Aires to the Compulsory Conciliation Service. It's Our 5th. hearing.
nearly two months ago, 35 workers have been fighting for the return to our jobs after being fired for ICT Telecom Personal to have asked for a simple disinfection in our jobs with confirmed cases influenza A.
Because of our struggle we have achieved the reinstatement of 7 employees and we are on those still missing. We have also received immeasurable support workers, students, musicians, media, national parliamentarians and legislators from the city of Buenos Aires that have passed an attitude of rejection towards ICT Telecom Personal.
We also had four hearings in Mandatory Labor Conciliation Service (SECLO) where irregularities have been made clear the company and even his lawyers acknowledged that the firings were that workers had asked for hygiene. That is why once again we need your support and solidarity in order to achieve all the reinstatements and end the injustice employer.
see that our case is not an isolated case, examples abound: the influenza deaths are mostly in the working class and asked for measures of health and pandemic prevention received the 35 discriminatory dismissal of the employer as in the case of ICT Telecom Personal or 160 in recent Kraft plant Terrabusi General Pacheco, Buenos Aires.
We like you suffer the poor conditions of work imposed on us by these national companies or foreign capital, we destroy the ears with endless amounts of calls, in our hands suffer from tendinitis, we have just a few minutes to eat and many others toilet, always in a hurry and health and safety conditions worthy of a horror film, rest is very small, we are unable mistreated by supervisors also have poverty wages and do not even belong to the convention telephone but usually are of the Trade Union of Armando Cavalieri that even We defended as employers should do to layoffs. If you feel and suffer all this and more, simply contactacte with us in order to do something together and show these entrepreneurs that workers and employees have rights that must be respected.
Then we invite you to our claim that we will do on Monday, September 7 at 11 hours. Callao 110 (and Bartolomé Mitre) .
appreciate the support of: Workers Banco Provincia, Hospital Garrahan, French, Association of State Workers (ATE), Subway, Cronica, Buenos Aires University Federation (FUBA), Graphic FP, Coca Cola , Colegio Carlos Pellegrini, Telephone, Teatro Colón, People's Assembly, INCAA, Center for Arts Students (UBA), Combatives Mercantile, PO, PTS, Left Socialist Civic Coalition, Project South, Central Argentina Workers (CTA) , A Empresa Nacional Buenos Aires (BAUEN), Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Mother Radio, Rock And Pop, Continental, National Radio, Satellite TV Black, AM 650, contra informative Fire In The Streets, El Ojo Obrero, Legislators and National Deputies, Employees of Kraft Food Terrabusi, made without patterns (FASINPAT), Employees of different call centers, among others.
David: 011-1531979421
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bulldog Spirit Sayings
I Quit Smoking And Now I Have Joint Pain
Monday, August 24, 2009
Gums Sore After Tooth Extraction
We like you suffer the poor conditions of work imposed on us by these national companies or foreign capital, we destroy the ears with endless amounts of calls, in our hands suffer from tendinitis, have only minutes to eat and many more to go bathroom, always in a hurry and health and safety conditions worthy of a horror film, rest is very small, we are unable mistreated by supervisors also have poverty wages and do not even belong to the convention telephone but usually are of the Trade Union we do not even defended as should employers do to layoffs. If you feel and suffer all this and more, simply contactacte with us in order to do something together and show these entrepreneurs that workers and employees have rights that must be respected.
We invite you to our claim that we will do on Wednesday August 26 at 13 pm. Focus on the obelisk, Capital Federal.
appreciate the support of: Banco Provincia Workers, Hospital Garrahan, French, Association of State Workers (ATE), Subway, Cronica, Buenos Aires University Federation (FUBA), Graphic FP, Coca Cola, College Carlos Pellegrini, Telephone, Theater Columbus People's Assembly, INCAA, Center for Arts Students (UBA) Commercial combative, PO, PTS, Left Socialist Civic Coalition, Project South, Central Argentina Workers (CTA), Buenos Aires A National Company (BAUEN), Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Radio Mothers, Rock And Pop, Continental, National Radio, Satellite TV Black, AM 650, contra informative Fire In The Streets, El Ojo Obrero, Legislators and National Deputies, Employees of Kraft Food Terrabusi, made without patterns (FASINPAT), among others.
Melissa: 011-1555138281 Sergio
: 011-1566157283
Can You Play Pokemon Soul Silver In Mac?
On Monday August 24 we had the fourth hearing in the Compulsory Conciliation Service (SECLO) receiving support from different sectors of society and we with more than 150 workers laid off from Kraft Food Terrabusi identical to reclaim health measures for pandemic influenza A as we had done on 11 July.
The Trade Union Armando Cavalieri, who claims to represent and to which we belong, once again refused to call for compulsory arbitration which retrotraería the previous situation when the conflict began. In the statement the representative of the Ministry of Labour that "one could only make the settlement if the union demanded it, he has not given a word and we must wait for the next meeting to be held on 7 September to whether we will finally reinstated. Those who claim to represent have not wanted to defend and so we decided to continue, as before, relying on our sisters and brothers of different social groups have supported us.
We have also received tremendous support from workers of the recently expropriated Factory Without a Boss (FASINPAT) that have succeeded in their struggle conducting ceramics factory under workers' control and the hand of the workers of Terrabusi have joined together to bring our struggle until victory. Both Kraft
ICT and Telecom Personal Terrabusi are foreign companies that flouted the laws of Argentina and they intend to do the same with their employees but we have demonstrated our fight will not break us how they thought. We will continue to make all the reinstatements: we have achieved with our claims that the company reinstate 7 workers but we are all of the 35 dismissed.
We greatly appreciate the support received during this month and a half of conflict and tell them continue forward with our complaints to Telecom Personal, ICT and Sessa to be reinstated and that this type of abuse and injustice cease.
Sergio: 011-1566157283
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What Happens If You Forget To File Unemployment
over a month ago that 35 workers have been fighting for the return to our jobs after being fired for ICT Telecom Personal to have asked for a simple disinfection in our jobs with confirmed cases of influenza A.
In these more than 30 days we have achieved the reinstatement of 7 employees and we are on those still missing. We have also received immeasurable support workers, students, musicians, media, legislators and lawmakers of the City of Buenos Aires that have adopted an attitude of rejection towards ICT Telecom Personal.
We also had three hearings in Mandatory Labor Conciliation Service (SECLO) where irregularities have been made clear the company and even his lawyers acknowledged that the firings were that workers had asked for hygiene. That is why once again we need your support and solidarity in order to achieve all the reinstatements and end the injustice employer. On Monday August 24 at 11 pm. concentrate on the SECLO, located in Callao 110 (and Mitre), Federal Capital.
see that our case is not an isolated case, examples abound: the influenza deaths are mostly in the working class and asked for hygiene and prevention against the pandemic received the 35 discriminatory dismissal of the employer as in the case of Telecom ICT staff or the recent 150 in Kraft plant Terrabusi General Pacheco, Buenos Aires.
Monday 24 August at 11 am. concentrate on the SECLO, located in Callao 110 (and Mitre), Federal Capital.
appreciate the support of: Banco Provincia Workers, Hospital Garrahan, French, Association of State Workers (ATE), Subway, Cronica, Buenos Aires University Federation (FUBA), Graphic FP, Coca Cola, College Carlos Pellegrini, Telephone, Teatro Colón, People's Assembly, INCAA, Center for Arts Students (UBA), Combatives Mercantile, PO, PTS, Civic Coalition, Project South, Central Argentina Workers (CTA), Buenos Aires A National Company (BAUEN) Mothers Online Founder, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Radio Mothers, Rock And Pop, Continental, National Radio, Satellite TV Black, AM 650, Fire In The Streets, El Ojo Obrero, lawmakers and national deputies, among others.
David: 011-1531979421
Santiago: 011-1559571296
Diego: 011-1565626184
Martin: 011-1564454518
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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L |
dismissed workers as TELECOM PERSONAL ICT continue in our fight for reinstatement after being fired for claiming the company measures against the A flu pandemic to learn of four confirmed cases in the call center.
The activities we are carrying out public knowledge. To do this we rely on the criteria and method of workers' democracy where everything is proposed, voted and carried out in assembly. On Friday August 14 signed an e-mail by three workers began to circulate.
We note that the workers are in favor of all currents and political groups can participate by giving your opinion, subordinated to the decisions of the assembly workers.
From the beginning, the workers saw the need to seek support from other sectors of workers. This attended a meeting of the International Board of the Hospital Garrahan in which we were invited to attend the press conference being organized, being able to publish our conflict in front of millions of people, the Body of Delegates of the subway, the International Board of INDEC, the Commission Bank's internal Province, ATE, CTA and the Assemblies of the People, telephone workers, workers graphics and several Centers of Students and the Federation of Buenos Aires University (UFBA), among many others, as well as to different media press, where they received material support and especially the possibility of spreading the conflict, being a incentive to continue with our claim. We also made thanks to the great campaign that we have done, a repudiation of the Buenos Aires Legislature voted on Friday 14 August.
Unfortunately co signing the mail never seen this need, but never expressed its position in the assembly of workers in deciding.
addition to measures such as acts and different escraches we do, we also thank our colleagues who are still working in the call center to help make the festival inviting bands and the organization. They had two objectives: firstly to raise money, considering we do not charge our salaries, and the other to invite several partners to support us in our fight.
To date we have seven reinstatements and we are on the rest. We know that our struggle is not only faced with ICT but that we intend to end impunity of those companies that prioritize profits over the health of workers.
call on all partners to strengthen solidarity, and colleagues who sent the email and circulated to review its position and maintain unity in our fight to beat the company.
Partners, agreed that our main enemy is the union bureaucracy and the employers, but also trust that when workers act together we are unstoppable.
live the struggle of workers in ICT!
Reinstatement of all fired NOW!
If they touch one touch all!
ICT Workers TELECOM PERSONAL dismissed.
Melissa, James, Gladys, Veronica, Sergio, Noelia, Jamie, Carol, Rosa. Lucas, David.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Letters For Community Service Hours
Letter to our partners:
been three long weeks since the company fired us to reclaim preventive measures against pandemic influenza A. We remain steadfast in our fight to be reinstated and thus break the repressive and discriminatory actions by ICT. Both dismissing those who demand the company to conduct a disinfection according to the epidemic, as well as daily through sanctions unjustified warnings and rapid rhythms in care calls.
also want to tell you that we are here is because of the strong commitment and tremendous support from different sectors of workers and student organizations. Helping economically, such as the internal committee of Banco Provincia giving their spaces to gather and print flyers and press releases, Internal Board Hosp. Garrahan we invited the press conference held against influenza A, allowing us to appear on television and helping in the fighting fund to banks because we are free of charge. We also have the solidarity of the Federación Universitaria de Buenos Aires (FUBA) printing posters, also out in the press conference and participating SUBWAY his departure for the recognition of their union. Being allowed out on several channels and radio stations publicizing our claim. At the same time we do a festival with the help of the guys in the Workers' Red Band where we could collect more than 1800 pesos.
got through all this effort and solidarity among workers. Without any intervention, much less union delegates and Patricio Delgado truchos Laura Vivero. They themselves are the ones who gave the list of peers who would later be fired. A disgrace. They behave like in August 2008 when they fired 60 partners. Lying like this, saying that we do not we want to be reinstated. We know they are delegates and respond to finger positions, how could it be otherwise, the interests of ICT. Perhaps someone elected?. Ever saw them sitting on some machine work?. To be clear, its role is not to hand out leaflets with the privileges of the union, nor walk with a notebook from time to time by the call claiming to do administrative tasks. Its task should be to defend the fellow, and especially in case of layoffs.
For all these do not be fooled by lies and deception efforts of these 'deletruchos', to be truly delegates must be elected by all workers in democratic voting. Only
supporting each other we can complete with both the subjugation of this company. Recall that our rights are worth more than your winnings.
Reinstatement of all redundant now.
Stop harassment and suspensions.
ICT workers in struggle.
Mac Pokemon Soulsilver Rom
Sergio: 011-1566157283
David: 011-1531979421