Yoli Fidanza
Looks Is she?
cavalier cat rests as
embroidered quilt on the couch.
The head on pillow
of rich velvet turban
gold silk slippers without
necklaces, earrings,
pearl bracelet.
greedy mouth a bunch of grapes
that in his hands trembling.
on the table
ivory guess
a steaming samovar
an ashtray
gold silver service.
In her dreams Ramona
confused scenes Salome
soirees of Ali Baba,
Venetian masks
mists of Marseille,
she is one and many, François Scheherazade
Aldina Margarita.
When he wakes in Buenos Aires : Ramona Montiel
for romance novels by
bolero lyrics and romances
Fidanza Yoli. Poet and writer born in Buenos Aires City, where he lives. Works in cultural publications in your country and abroad. It has also been translated into French, Italian and inglés.Poemas of authorship were music by Rita Paolucci. He was awarded the The meeting of two worlds (Mexico, 1992) and Nobel Casa de las Americas-section novels for children and young people-(Cuba, 2009). About his book "Woman: celebration of light and shadows" Perz said Norma Martin: "Yoli Fidanza opens its targeted to the world (from antiquity to the present). Sing to Nefertiti, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Teresa of Avila Juana Azurduy, Camila O'Gorman, Frida Kahlo, Edith Stein, Marguerite Yourcenar, and others. " His other poetry books: "Endearing trade", "Romance de Anacaona" and "The Universe Ramona Montiel.
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