Friday, April 29, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Gallery

Culture Media Journalism

TO 60 YEARS OF DEATH Homero Manzi
The May 3, 1951 died Homero Manzi, a prominent composer, filmmaker, journalist and union and political activist. Considered one of the greatest poets of the tango, his major works were composed with Sebastián Piana and musician Aníbal Troilo. In addition to his outstanding musical work was a film director and screenwriter. Sections of No wonder people wanted , note Contact magazine in 1971.

"Homero Manzi was many things. Political fervor, embracing the popular cause until his death in 1951. was lively, at times, forging, this group of people fighting in the silence, which lashed the country's surrender and the violation of people's rights. Scalabrini Ortiz stood by and Jauretche, dos grandes escritores políticos.
   Fue un excelente poeta, original y trascendente. También fue un excelente conductor de familia. Y como todo lo que hacía lo hacía bien, también fue un auténtico jugador de carreras, un jugador hasta el apremio.
   Pero sin embargo Manzi fue, por sobre todas las cosas, el padre del gran cine nacional. Un cine que después de su muerte comenzó a languidecer, interminablemente. Basta con repasar en el recuerdo los títulos de sus grandes obras. En ellas, es cierto, tuvo colaboración. Pero todos reconocen que fue él quien daba el impulso vital, la gran creación.
   Desde "With his finger on the trigger 'to' A Man 'and' barbaric Pampa." From 'The best student' and 'Where words die' to 'last minstrel', tracing the life of Betinoti while evoking the labor struggles of the 20's.

Man At death, Homero Manzi was 44 years old. Exteme premature death happened three years of cruel suffering and operations. He was born on 1 November 1907 Añatuya, a town of Santiago del Estero, where his father ran a small field. He studied in Buenos Aires and was admitted into a college of Pompeii. And it was against any assumption, an good student.
Manzi's wife, Mrs. Casilda Vildosola, not idealize the past. And his claim that convinces Homer particularly cared for his family. Children attended to every detail. And home became the home of his great friends. He had some habits that are often not understood in those who are not poets. Awoke to the most wanted to read his poems, get them excited about their ideas, explain the plot of his films. Naturally, he lived by night and slept late. And yet they failed to fulfill any of its obligations as a father. It was creative, talkative, 'a little lazy' (and did what he did), something distracted, very shrewd and passionate about racing. From Monday to Wednesday commented what happened. From Wednesday to Friday what would happen. If ever, rather, the time that there was economic hardship at home was by the passion that Manzi, like other famous men of the show, he cultivated with such dedication. The years of illness were difficult. First lived in Palermo, Gold Street, where he died Manzi. Then they moved to the center. That is where there is now a small museum of Manzi. Among many roles comes a significant: his famous policy statement 47. With Perón

Homer Manzi, was born poet and politician was born. Boedo first, then at the University (as enacted in the Law School and was imprisoned in Villa Devoto), later in the neighborhood of San Cristobal, and forging.
On December 16, 1947, read by the broadcast chain, a document setting out its position.
lambasted the former world you live in the village had made Argentina: '... Since the tragic frustrations (political) Argentina began to experience a section of its history that will forever be recognized as the stage of moral decay within which the delivery of heritage and the process of national inferiority of man, joined the consolidation of a caste insensitive to the desperate claims of the poor, the honest, the Patriots. " And he summed up his commitment to the government of the people: "The Argentine people, in free elections, said the high word. That the spirits desoigan insensitive to the pitch, it seems inevitable. But they remain willfully deaf who have honed the soul for harmony, it is seen as incongruous and cruel. "
Peron, whose movement had caused the courageous commitment Manzi, said recently in Madrid, producing the best definition of the poet who now honored Buenos Aires: "Not only was a minstrel. Manzi was a great guy, a national type '. "

South , tango performed by Homero Manzi and Anibal Troilo, Edmundo Rivero

Trailer of the movie' Homero Manzi. A poet in the storm '

Hugo del Carril sings' The last minstrel' , Manzi film

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Jealous Of Sister In Law

In early May 1991 Liliana López Foresi had to leave voice in the midnight newscast of Channel 13 of Buenos Aires. The driver of Magazine 13 was ordered confined to only be a newscaster. This situation continued for several months before leaving the station. Details of events in sections of subtle censorship , Jorge Grecco noted in the journal We , n º 764 of May 20, 1991.

"The reconstruction of the details of lunch who maintained, on Thursday 2 May at the Olivos-President Carlos Menem and entrepreneurs Ernestina Herrera de Noble and Hector Magnetto (main reference-Radio Clarín Group Mitre-Channel 13) may help to decipher the relationship that has this meal with the instructions you received the host of the magazine '13', Liliana López Foresi, to avoid 'the opinion' in their comments. But it also illustrates some of the trails that passes the government to make their opinion among the media that "disturb" his mind.
There are two versions of the game and depends on which office at the Government House land to hear one or the other. Both, however, agree that the point at issue came to light when serving desserts. This issue was entered into a "more social, more frivolous."
For the first account of the facts, the sources assure us that the widow of Noble opened fire to discuss their concern about the 'aggressiveness' of former nationalist leader (turned journalist), William Patrick Kelly through Argentina Screen Television Color (ATC). Kelly, on several occasions, appealed to his style to threaten the director of media group Clarin and its program 'No compromise'. The driver of this cycle is not repaired within the limits and said on camera that, soon, would relate some details of the adoption process of the two sons of Mrs. Noble. As presented this fact, we suspect that Kelly was "induced to say what he said 'and, as the program is broadcast by the official channel, the count is easy: it appeals to certain people to press for concessions for another way, would be rejected.
The second version only transforms the details. Depending on the species, there was no introduction to the subject but it was her own President, who expressed 'dissatisfaction' cover with the title of Clarin, the comments of journalist Néstor Ibarra (Menem would have defined as a 'stirrer ladies that go to market'), the activities of the comedians (Peter) taste and (Omar) on Radio Mitre Quiroga Liliana López Foresi and on Channel 13. Taste and Quiroga, the president complained about the level of aggressiveness that the couple would have, but took care to clarify that he was an ardent admirer of the art of making people laugh. Lopez Foresi editorializante protested the tone could be observed in each of his appearances. Menem came to say that in this, you might discover an attitude 'nihilistic'.

Changes . A few hours after the end of lunch at Olives, the news director of Channel 13, Luis Clur, Foresi announced that Lopez would be limited, from that same Thursday 2 to present the information without adding a dash of opinion. By transcending the novelty-it involved was responsible for its spread-out from different areas were gestures of solidarity and even the actor Miguel Ángel Solá took delivery of "Martin Fierro" by Channel 13 to make a recognition of the conductive . The ceremony also left betrayed the tension and nervousness that this had caused.
Now, at midnight, the screen Channel 13 shows a López Foresi on a more consistent with a wake with a television, although she acknowledges that the company did not depart from the terms of the contract signed by the parties.
On the political side, things seem less clear and the discussion that has dragged on (the relationship with the media) promises other chapters. Senator Eduardo Menem issued this concern when he said three weeks ago that the government lacked a good policy in this regard. Then-Secretary of Media, Fernando Niembro, resigned, but the problem continued. "
Informe del programa 678 sobre la censura a Liliana López Foresi

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Expressgate Installation Incomplete

El 1º de mayo de 1890 se conmemoró por primera vez en la Argentina el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores. Al año siguiente de ser instituido en París en el Congreso Internacional de trabajadores para perpetuar la memoria de los Mártires de Chicago, obreros argentinos e inmigrantes se reunieron en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. El memory of that day, in A 86-year rally English Prado, J. Emilio note Corbière in the newspaper La Opinión 30 April 1976.

"Tomorrow 1 ° de Mayo 86 years will mark the first celebration of Labor Day in Argentina when about 3000 workers, foreign and native, met in English Prado, an open area, suitable for outdoor meetings, located at Avenida República, Avenida Quintana today's 'long street' of the Recoleta. The rally was announced
for three in the afternoon, but an hour before people started arriving. The first, as historians tell the date were the surveys that had strict orders to arrest the first to speak against the country and the government.
Four bands belonging to Italian Republican centers, composed of veterans mazzin and Garibaldi, disputed the protesters' attention.
At three in the afternoon at about the worker carpenter Carlos Mauli-chairman of the meeting, opened the event, on stage displaying a red flag that had made his young wife.
The newspaper La Nacion May 2 gave an account of the meeting: "In the English Prado took place yesterday the workers' meeting convened for socialism from here following the general movement of European sociaslimo. A man first spoke German. Eulogized date 'whose sun was gathered in their respective countries to workers throughout the world. " The note with little respect for organizers ended saying: "There were very few Argentines at the meeting, of which we are very happy."
The meeting was organized by the International Labor Committee, chaired by José Winiger and composed, among others, by Mauli, Augusto Kuhn, Bernardo Sanchez, William Schulze, Pedro Burgos and Domingo Benítez. Responded to the call of the Paris Workers' Congress, made a year earlier, he had established on 1 May each year as a day at work and where reinvindicaría the legal day of eight hours. That Congress had ratified the date of May 1, chosen for the same purpose, in 1888 - the American Federation of Labor American. This held for the first time, on 1 May in Argentina. "

History of the Martyrs of Chicago

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Linda Goodman Love Horoscope

started moving up on Friday well i wish i could

I'm talking to Social Insurance and while I hope that a representative attend - Mr. Customer, at this time all our representatives are busy, please wait in line - I hear Michelle, the Beatles, but reggae version and I want to go and kill everyone.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ideas For Alabama Themed Cake

Be patient at home. Some degree of fever. Knowing that tomorrow I will miss school. Take soup. Cover myself. Feet warm home from home. Watching the evening programs. Go buy cookies to store front and choose them from the can. Walk to the Library of School # 8. Crossing the road on the shortcut. Telling lies. Do not have guilt. Do not have responsibilities. Do not be afraid. Climb the stairs only with the light on. Read before bed. Pancakes with dulce de leche. Playing in the hammock bottom.

Are Alibi Snowboards Good

Kate Moss and rabbits

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Play Pokemon Crystal On Ipod Touch

Culture Society 1976-1983 dictatorship

The April 29, 1936 in Avellaneda was born poet and translator Pizarnik. His work transcended the tragic end he decided for his life and is taken as a paradigm for women who are devoted to poetry. Sections of adolescent Pizarnik , Aurora Alonso note in the journal Rocha Todo es Historia, No. 291, September 1991 .

"In March 1951 Aurora Pizarnik Flora and Rosa Alonso we in a third year of Normal School Joint Avellaneda. As the two second years had given free at other schools, were lower than our peers, fourteen years her thirteen me, and that, coupled with our status as newcomers, approached us and made us inseparable.
Buma-the nickname that stuck in my memory, "living on the street Lambaré, one block from Mitre, Avenue dividing Avellaneda as a pit in the floor of a house of paved and wooded area. On the other side lived, lived-immigrants, all immigrants, in a neighborhood of these orchards and chicken coops, land or mud. The first memory: we walked three blocks as a pendulum. ('I'll walk'. 'Now you Acompañame') in endless talks.
From the marriage of his sister, had a room to herself and only owned a pickup Winco and a portable typewriter.
His parents were Polish Jews, the father jewelry broker. Buma studying Hebrew and, as he liked everything extreme, told stories of pogroms, Cossacks, burning of villages. Like me, daughter of Orense in Galicia, had been very attached to tradition. That, I think, is an important piece to read his poetry. Public schools in those years was more than a pot (rather epic word) a cauldron where hervías all students and teachers with our language, values, humor.
Today it seems that Buma was early in his speech and his world of ideas was quite limited to the verbal. Random memory read novels without order or method: The Stranger, anything by Kafka, Simone de Beauvoir, some Russian and Madame Bovary.
His appearance was distinctive, unforgettable. Low, blue-eyed, frizzy brown hair and a persistent acne. Wires used in teeth and mumbled a little, walked like toes, with shoulders hunched, and always drew attention to his eyes clear and amazed. His voice was low, subdued, with a slight plaintive singsong.
In the years of the most notable side Buma Anina was overlap in the appearance and behavior, and precocious intellectual banality and acid humor of formality and adherence to social norms with outbreaks of rebellion critical. Normal Avellaneda
The building was a large, oblong, yellow cement and marble, without a tree or a flower. Or heating. At 7.45
sang high in the sky an eagle warrior ... in a backyard ice, frost sometimes without understanding the complex allegory of tassels and horns. In the first hour cold hands refused to write. Some of us sat back, we supported the head in the blue cloth coat and dormitábamos. Buma closed my eyes without restraint, stretched and sometimes pretended to snore. Finally beginning to work: I sent a piece of paper with a verse. I wrote the second, folded, and was then on the "exquisite corpse." A variation was the poematren or poemasalchicha, crude fun I mention because it served to affirm the use of language. I keep saying the Moon, moon, moon, moon / kiss my olive complexion / anointed tuna water ... and fourteen verses. We also played at Air incoherent radio drama, with characters who change sex, occupation, with each block could be neither more nor less than four lines. When we needed one, we used as wildcards' Oh, no! "Or" Son Chick. " Writing as a game: I think another key is to read his work.
(...) In four years we decided
manuscribir a newspaper, magazine dubbed her modest, as the name, of course, was the most important, and that word seduced us. We signed our leaf and two pseudonyms. Alejandra Brown was hers, which came out his name as a poet.
this leaf and I no longer remember only fragments. Typical estudiantina, included several stories, our chemistry teacher, who was blind, he wore a brace helped by her husband. Arriving in class was untied and the body would expand, expanded, cornering students. There a love letter from one teacher to another, with initials and innuendo, a billboard, acrostics, and a strip about a janitor who wore a dark mustache, and began "She is furry and soft ...."
The revistuela produced stupor. Lasted ten minutes stuck on the wall and earned a reprimand. It also decided our enrollment in a school of journalism. "

Pizarnik recited Written in Nictografo, poetry of his friend Arturo Carrera

more foreign Earth, a documentary about Pizarnik


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Denise Milani,facebook

El jueves 29 de abril de 1976 el Ejército quemó miles de libros y publicaciones en la provincia de Córdoba. A poco más de un mes de iniciada la dictadura del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, no sería la última. La siguieron: 80 mil ejemplares de la biblioteca Vigil de Rosario el 25 de febrero de 1977; 30 mil de Eudeba el día siguiente en Buenos Aires; y el millón y medio de libros del Centro Editor de América Latina (CEAL) incinerados en Sarandí el 30 de agosto de 1980. Texto the subversive books burn Córdoba, notes La Opinión of April 30, 1976 .

"Yesterday, at 17, in the Airborne Infantry Regiment Fourteen, before members of the local and metropolitan press, proceeded to destroy a significant amount of literature and documents of a subversive. On the occasion, gave the following press release:
'Command III Corps reported that the date comes to incinerate this documentation pernicious affects the intellect and our way of being Christian.
To leave no part of these books, brochures, magazines, making this resolution, so that with this material continue to avoid misleading our youth about the true good that represent our national symbols, our family, our Church, and finally, our traditional spiritual heritage synthesized in God Homeland and Home
elements are destroyed in raids appeared to distribution centers that are specifically dedicated especially to this type of distribution. " Lieutenant Colonel Jorge
Gorleri, head of the military unit, told reporters that the texts had not burned 'works of our forefathers'. Yes there were books of Mao Tse Tung, Marx, Lenin, Guevara, Trotsky and booklets Editor Center in Latin America. "

book burnings pictures


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Stomach Sitting Pic And Clips

The April 27, 1971 was self-criticism of the Cuban writer Heberto Padilla. Awarded for offside , his collection after counter-qualified by the authorities of Cuba. Imprisoned for just over a month, Padilla later retracted publicly. Case Padilla led to the breakdown of many intellectuals to the revolutionary government. Intellectuals extracts versus Fidel: Letters of a Young Poet , note Panorama magazine , n º 211 of May 11, 1971.

"The April 27 motion picture cameras and television lights returned to pick up in Havana the image of a portly boy hairless moon face and big glasses, language curly hair and polished to a fault. Heberto Padilla returned unexpectedly to enjoy (or suffer, according to their usual set of antinomies) of a large soiree , And if something like the navel of the world, compared to hundreds of writers gathered to listen. Only this time just out of jail.
Contrary to what some newspapers accounted for proliferating countries where electric shocks and pau de Arara , Heberto Padilla was not tortured or perhaps overly bothered in the dungeon - 'not too dark, "he said, where exactly 37 days spent in custody of State Security. According to the Cuban agency Prensa Latina wearing a blue shirt and dark pants, brandishing a cigar that did not turn and at best seemed overwhelmed by the heat. (...) Only at the end of its 100 minutes of exposure departed from his model to point to a number of writers present that he said were threatened by their own mistakes. Among them were his wife, the poet Belkis Cuza Malé, friends, Pablo Armando Fernández, César López and Manuel Diaz Martinez, who stood forth to accept criticism and make amendment purposes.
The unexpected outcome of 'Padilla case' violent imposed editorial touches on the chain which produced the Western press and left hanging over the Atlantic fifty radiograms where European literary celebrities were concerned the fate of the poet, in the footsteps of Jean-Paul Sartre and Julio Cortázar. Padilla personally thanked "the international fuss', but considered unfounded and poured over it a breath commiserate:" They are companions living other experiences and other worlds' that 'unknown to fund my life of recent years', that' have defended a man less important than the Revolution.
Padilla's explanations seemed unconvincing to those who follow Cuban developments far and try to explain by models taken from the Stalinist Soviet non oe the intellectual status of 'rebellious' in the Western world. The inevitable result of these comparisons is the perplexity that only dissipates reinserting the process of culture in the historical process of a country.
indiscreet friends. The dangerous poems lurking time Padilla in his second book, Out of the game , who won the 1968 award from the National Union of Artists and Writers of Cuba. Part of the book, entitled Birch iron, nothing was a veiled attack on the Soviet Union, its politics, its officers and their way of life. (...) The Cuban government obviously wanted to solve these problems through diplomatic channels rather than poetic, and Padilla's book award in an official competition was at least wrong in the situation.
That was the moment chosen by his friend Cabrera Infante, now in exile in London to publish a magazine of Buenos Aires a violent indictment of Fidel Castro and a "defense" of Padilla. Every time that Padilla recalled, in turn, had defended Cabrera, contrasting the virtues of his novel Three Trapped Tigers the defects found in another novel, Passion of Urbino , written by his former friend and Culture Officer Lisandro Otero. UNEAC decided to publish the book in Padilla, but accompanied by a 'critical introduction' where censored counterrevolutionary tendencies of the poet. A French publisher, Du Seuil, caught the fleeting opportunity on bestseller, and in record time translated and edited the book, accompanied by a band that asked, 'Can you be a poet in Cuba? ". The Paris-based Argentine novelist Julio Cortázar, tried to mediate as a conciliator in an article in the leftist weekly Le Nouvel Observateur , with unusual dishonesty, purged several paragraphs and changed the original title for one that looked like a provocation ' Padilla's defense. " This confluence of friendships
complicated the situation Padilla and the same time, gave him a renown disproportionate to the twenty facets corrido written sum total of his work, and two or three thousand actual readers of this work in a world that cares about some poets but not consumes too much poetry. Padilla now argues that both effects were sought by him. In any case you lost your job, serious thing in Cuba. A year later, he recovered after writing a first letter to Fidel Castro.

unexpected endings. The episode seemed over, even with its trail of bitterness, until the March 20 Security Cuban agents arrested Padilla. What had happened this time? Padilla's confession articulates some hitherto unexplained facts to lead to a plausible hypothesis. Last year appeared almost simultaneously in France two books on Cuba: one, the journalist Franco-KS Karol, Guerrillas in power entitled , another of agronomist René Dumont, who asked: "Cuba is a socialist? The two had been repeatedly in Cuba where they were full of honors and enjoyed the confidence of Fidel Castro that walked around the island. Both works are a devastating critique of the Cuban revolutionary society.
But when we had to find a person responsible for this trifle that infuses the texts and makes plausible Karol, Dumont, Enzensberger and other sensors, the threads came together in Heberto Padilla, the enfant terrible of the Revolution, as he called the foot of a U.S. photo journalist Lee Lockwood. With all of them now supports Padilla had "countless conversations 'in which' spoke insidiously of all aspects of the Revolution." Hence the prison after his lament.
In any case, the fate of the young poet Heberto Padilla in Cuba today seems less harsh than that of the young poet Javier Heraud, died with the guerrillas in Peru and the young poet (Otto René) Castillo, who died with guerrillas in Guatemala. "

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blade Server As A Desktop

International Politics International Football

The April 27, 1911 was born in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires , Antonio Sastre, one of the best players in the history of Argentine soccer. It began in the Progressive Club and became a legend wearing T-Independent (1931-1942) and São Paulo (1943-1946). His memory in Antonio Sastre, the versatile , article published in 1993 in the English magazine Aces of World Football.

"They say that in Argentina there has been no other player more complete than Antonio Sastre. And those who say such a thing not wrong. This phenomenal player in the thirties and forties broke all records as to occupy different positions on the field relates. With the selection albiceleste, which defended 33 times, acted as inside right (11 times) inside left (14) and right wheel (8). But is that always your club, Independiente, I could see playing well in the center and both sides of the defense, striker, extreme and even goalkeeper. The latter only a couple of times but was, as those who saw the posts, proud.
In this versatility, unusual high-level, stands the reputation of this remarkable player whose status enjoyed not only the Argentine fans but also Brazilians. Even today, in São Paulo he idolizes. The technical famous Osvaldo Brandão once said that "now many Argentines want to learn Brazilian football but the fact is that, decades ago, came here an Argentine football taught us to us, Antonio Sastre." João Saldanha, a journalist and former coach said, meanwhile, that "perhaps not be world famous but I can say that Sastre is, in history, at the height of Di Stefano, Pele and Cruyff. " High praise stamp, you see, not missing this man the magazine 'The Chart' described as' full-court man, the creator of 'total football'. Excellent ball feel, strength, shot, vision, leadership and effectiveness in the marking, Sastre did a player gifted, able to assume any role.
The truth is that despite their category, their entry into the elite soccer was not very tempranera. He began playing the Progressive and up to twenty years when he joined the first division of the Independent, did not debut in the top flight. Most of the 'cracks' usually do so well before. It was, therefore, in 1931, was born in April 1911 - when the endorsement, for the first time the red coat. And soon was regarded as a genuine 'dolphin' a player legendary Club Avellaneda, Manuel Seoane, with whom he played his first years at the club. So did with Roberto Porta, a formidable right outside the Uruguayan who had great admiration. His combinations were perfect. And they took the dream to the defenders. Once, the day before a game, a supporter of Boca, Pedro Arico Suárez, was to exclaim: "And to think that tomorrow are those with bandaleones!"
In 1932, these three men who were on the front line with Ravaschino and Betinotti, were about to carry Independiente to win a national title in the second professional league history, but they finally beat River Plate . Until 1938 he had to wait to be champion. And he repeated in 1939. Then, Independiente had a great team with three key men. Sastre, Rosario De la Mata and outstanding Paraguayan striker Arsenio Erico. The 'eleven' most common consisted Neck Lecea, Cotelle, Franzolini, Leguizamon, Martinez, Taylor, De la Mata, Erico, Reuben, and Zorrilla.
in 1942 ended the glorious cycle 'Cuil' as he knew everyone in the Independent. He had played 340 matches and scored 112 goals, the third top scorer in the history. He went to Brazil to join in a São Paulo that had not won the state title since 1931. With Taylor in their ranks, the club was reborn tricolor and won three championships almost obliquely, the 1943, 1945 and 1946. (...)

with Argentina debuted on December 14, 1933 in Montevideo, in a friendly match in which he won Uruguay 2-0. He was destined to go to the 1934 World but the AFA's decision to send an amateur team in response to conflicts, he left without going to the most important soccer event. Argentina was not in 1938 and therefore could not enter the annals of the competition. Had to settle for the Copa America. He did it in the editions of 1935, 1937 and 1941. In the first, played inside right and Argentina came in second. In the other two won the title playing different roles. Right wheel in 1937, played in his country, and left within the last tally held in Chile and in which he scored a goal. "

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Monday, April 25, 2011

How Much Do Quinceaneras Cost

be self-centered and a little asshole

is to believe that things that happen to you, in your life in 140 characters, are more relevant to the issues of public knowledge.

Off Work For Kidney Infection

In a meeting with friends Saturday night the

While discussing the affair Lousteau-Viale, my boyfriend said not know what you see Juanita. It is a common mine. Vas a Saturday and see a thousand Juanitas Palermo. Without going any further, my girlfriend is prettier than Juanita # noviababosa

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Teckdecks To Play Online


The April 26, 1991 Diego Maradona was arrested for possession of cocaine. Had been caught with two others in a raid by federal police in an apartment on Franklin Street, the neighborhood of Caballito. The chronicle of events, published by People magazine No. 1345 May 2, 1991 .

"The scenery accompanied the sadness of the situation. A Department of Caballito any: dining room and bedroom windows overlooking the street Rojas, closed. In the dining room, sofa bed cane, open to two people. There Germain Enrique Perez (27) and Ricardo Ayala (a) Soldier, Soldi (31), rested. One tried to throw the bag in less than 50 grams of cocaine through the window. The other was forced to open the door when the police identified. In the double bed sleeping room, deeply-Diego Armando Maradona, completed the scene a bedside table and a comfortable cane also, the windows closed and lights out. Diego alone wrapped in a blanket and wearing only a slip marina. On the chair, his clothes: a blue jeans, a pair of laced black Reebok sneakers and a print shirt.
cost them awake. The six police searched every corner of the house looking for cocaine. Already-and a little more savvy, "Ayala Perez and silently took refuge in a corner of the room. About twenty minutes after 15.30. Diego, helped by the commissioner Jorge Chiossone and another man from the Heritage Division of Drug Research, was taken to the dining room. There he sat in a chair, his body was covered with the same blanket. But he was shivering, as if was troubled. Just watching what was happening around him. Trying to understand. Suddenly, he found his two friends and asked
- "And Claudia? Where is Claudia? The same was in charge of responding.
-No ... if Claudia is at home. This is not my home.
lowered his head, his eyes looked a fixed point. Someone brought clothes Diego and helped him get dressed. He was still cold. The police officers put their own sweater. Looking
more parts, one of the curators in charge of the raid, managed specifically with Lydia Amelia Judge Vidal Berraz an hour before entering the modest two-story home, Franklin 896, balconies and gray-colored spoke as if the finding of Maradona was a surprise: "But
, Diego, see how these ... There can be, How can we find you well! If you're an example for all kids. You you have to be an example ...
- An Example of What? Stop, dude ... You say I'm an example. Cut it! Examples are the smart guys who know. Not a donkey in sixth grade.
"But you're a guy loved by the people, people you admire ... "Said the official, sensitive.
"Fame is just a story ... Diego-finished speaking with difficulty, slurred speech, as if tongue-tied. And he seemed to fly again. Of the three, was the worst was.

(...) 'We were expecting a big fish but not Maradona ... Okay, do not believe us. but I was more surprised when I saw him lying in bed Diego marriage. What I uncovered and she was curled like a fetus, threw and wanted to continue sleeping. Do not take orders from the DEA, we had weekly reports of Italian police did not follow special monitoring unless the department ... Here is a great disproportion between the drugs seized and the defendant's personality. If he was not Maradona, this would be a fourth procedure. " Among mysterious and innocent, one of the commissioners who participated in the raid rescued the following dialogue with the crack.
"Diego, we will leave taparte Want?
-No, not tapes. Total is already ... So. (...)

... Almost impossible to imagine that the home was raided following an anonymous simple about strange movements. Indeed, although police sources refuse to admit it, the department and Maradona were investigated. Moreover, its presence was detected at least twice before Friday 26th, after his hasty return to Argentina on 2 April.
There is always a before and after in the life of every man who can deduct. Although Diego has every right to live and die as he wanted, we should not forget that more than once told his brother Hugo the same phrase he heard that police caught the fateful afternoon of Friday 26: 'And see, why, why do I have to be an example?, Why just me? "The obsession placed him on the verge of self-destruction. "


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How To Donate Unused Syringes

On the morning of April 26 1986 occurred at Chernobyl nuclear power plant (now Ukraine) an accident that is considered one of the worst in history. The blast reactor and fire killed 31 workers and firefighters. In addition to the Soviet government forced the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from several miles of the plant. Early versions of this, in sections of The cloud that touches the world , note People magazine , No. 1085, May 8, 1986 .

"The world was in serious danger. And he learned almost by accident. Paradox. Irony. Crazy, but it was so. On Monday 28 April, as every day, routinely, a worker at Swedish nuclear plant Formsmark passed by the detectors radiation. That morning was different. The alarms sounded. The radioactivity level was in the sleeves of his shoes, was 100 times greater than normal. It was still dangerous. But if disturbing. Much more when Swedish scientists detected isotopes of krypton, iodine, xenon, cesium and cobalt in the atmosphere. For them it was only one explanation: an uncontrolled nuclear experience or an escape from a nuclear plant. This made them to know, emergency communication, the United States. They added a hypothesis: this may come from Russia . Matched.
For three days, Friday 25, Chenobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine had flown through the air, leaving open the radioactive material and a lethal cloud walk freely through the atmosphere. For three days, and nothing was known in the West. American satellites were finally photographed and stripped of that terrible reality. Ensure that when these photos came to the offices of the men in Washington, they could not believe what they saw: as a barn down the roof and walls of a plant sectors were on the ground, and fire equipment graphite were uncontrollable. Were confronted with the greatest nuclear disaster in history.
Why did this happen? Western experts have a hypothesis very strong: it all started with a massive loss of coolant in the nuclear reactor core, producing a fission in the fuel, with further warming. Obviously, the high temperature water converted to steam, it passed through the walls and in contact with the graphite blocks was highly toxic and explosive gases. A series of explosions destroyed part of the reactor, the walls and ceiling flew through the air, leaving it a glowing mass of graphite. The radioactive material containing 100 tons of uranium had a free hand to the atmosphere.
plant such as Chernobyl -a graphite-were left to use in the West for many years. In addition, this plant did not have a basic safety measure: a large bell that covers the reactor and avoids an accident, the radioactive material passes to the outside
From there, Moscow sought to minimize the fear that transmitted the news from the West. And he concluded his brief tragedy: 2 dead and 197 people hospitalized. Clear that a security cordon of 30 miles around the plant and evacuated nearly 50,000 people speak of a much more serious. Europe thought so.
To all this the Soviet Union has maintained its control over information. For satellites, graphite fire is already controlled, but it is not known when. Helicopters also observed operating in the disaster area, which after an official in Moscow confirmed. These drivers were throwing sand, particles of lead and boron to control the fire. Not far from the plant, the photos show people to work normally, perhaps in their daily task. In Washigton can not understand those images, because, given the proportions of nuclear accident, all those people-drivers and peasants were doomed to almost certain death. Experts believe that up to 7 kilometers of the outbreak, a person has only a 50 percent chance of survival. Those who are about 10 kilometers will suffer respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, but are more likely to survive. Of course, these distances are always in relation to the amount of hours a person is exposed to radioactivity. This time soon. Because the consequences can act much further in time. It is estimated that nearly 100 kilometers of the potential catastrophe of leukemia or cancer remain latent in the next three decades. "

Visions of Chernobyl


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Thursday, April 21, 2011

How To Clean A White Leather Bound Book

in another life I know you

had been a caregiver for grandparents.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal Sibutramine Why Was It Produced

Vision Plans Walmart Takes

Once, another mother sent me this mail

're a love and my son an asshole.

Naturopathic Doctor Specializing In Nutrition

The popular Argentine actor died on the morning of today, April 20, at 95 years of age. From extensive experience in theater, film and television Argentine acted with prominent figures such as Nini Marshall, Luis Sandrini, Enrique Santos and Ernesto Bianco Discepolo. Miranda, who enjoyed great popular recognition, won numerous awards including the Martin Fierro on five occasions. We remember him with fragments of "The actor thought of his success is lost" , Paula Esmoris interview in the magazine La Maga , n º 293 27 August 1997.

"At 82 years, the Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires City, appointed by decree still has a picture worthy of a gentleman. - 'It took me about that I will notice in the face all hice'-tours, he asks the photographer. His memory is an amazing parade file where all the national entertainment. He said that the only years that are reminiscent of his birth, the decline in Atlanta and his marriage to a former secretary of the Lumiton, but actually remembers everything thoroughly, including cachets who won in fifty-three years career.
'I started singing in a band ", says the actor, and that's what led me to acting. Demare hired myself Old Piggy because he was singing, which could not be said for a long time. " In the film, Miranda had to sing the tango Malena , but the lack of budget for studio recording made to be limited to doubling the disk of another singer, who interestingly was named Miranda. By then he had already decided to leave the orchestra: "The other singer gave many more tangos than me, and of course the other singer named Angel Vargas. So I said to not reach it and went over. "
'I always did the handsome, recognizes Miranda-less Delia Garcés with which only worked in the theater, I was the heartthrob of all the stars: María Duval, Zully Moreno, Tita Merello, Irma Cordoba, Mirtha Legrand. I wife Mirtha latest model and a great theatrical success 40 carats, which debuted Arnaldo André, who pulled out of a basement Tinayre. I also made films with Nini Marshall '.
In '49 he went to Hollywood with Fernando Lamas and Roberto Airaldi a contract to film a movie. 'I should have been there, because the brother the actor James Cagney, who was a major producer, became a close friend of mine and invited me to work with him. Lamas told me I was crazy, that I was, but I could not stay because I missed my family and my country, so I made a movie that gave me a lot of money, I gathered all the lettuce, and I came. "
After a short time in the revue show, Miranda was devoted to comedy, which teamed up with finally established. 49 to 51 made Blum, his great success with Enrique Santos Discepolo. (...) In movies made extra The boys did not use hair gel , and years later he was fortunate the same role he had done Florencio Parravicini. Osvaldo Miranda shot up with Narciso Ibáñez Menta.
In radio had its own hearing, which recalls a curious fact: the speaker of the meeting was Alejandro Romay, who just arrived from Tucumán.
On television, I could see Club Tropicana, My husband and my godfather -a success which had already tested on stage with Enrique Cordova and Irma Serrano-and The girl with Marilina Ross and a cast which made their first appearances "a chubby 'named Leonor Benedetto. More later starred in the original version of My brother with actor Ernesto Bianco. Luis Brandoni and Ricardo Darin, those responsible for the current remake , also made some rather than 'children' of Miranda. To Susana Giménez owes its first steps on TV: 'I always asked for it because I saw that was lighter than hunger and fished in the air that I wanted to do' he recalls. "

Chapter The baby

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is It Ok To Eat Expired Chicken Broth?

Shows International Policy Media

The April 21, 1971 passed the Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier. Known by the nickname Papa Doc, was a doctor and politician who ruled Haiti from 1957 until his death. His power was based on the militia of the National Security Volunteers (VSN), known as the Tonton Macoute . At his death he was succeeded by his son Jean-Claude Duvalier, Baby Doc , who ruled until overthrown in 1986. Confessions sections of terror Angel, note the Haitian poet René Depestre published in the magazine Panorama, No. 209 of April 27, 1971.

"The dark life president of Haiti, Francois Duvalier, died in his island on the night of April 21, at 64 years. By the weekend, as amended International Panorama piled coverage that the various agencies and news services offered on the episode. Was elected the note presented Prensa Latina, the rights acquired Panorama for Argentina. In it the poet Rene Depestre, who was a friend and victim of Duvalier recounts his experience with the dangerous dictator, whose hallucinatory statements recorded. The opinions of Depestre, a product of Marxist political activism is in exile in Cuba, were kept as they were expressed in the original.

François Duvalier was known in his country under various names: Lucifer in the Caribbean, the spiritual leader of the Nation, First Rugged, Cimarron Vertical, Doctrinal Illustrious, the Honorable Learned and sociologist. But it is known in the world by the name Papa Doc terse . Homo
Papadocus This has not fallen in any cosmogony barbaric past. It was our contemporary in the West Indies. Recently appointed his successor in the person of a fat tonton macoute 20 years: his own son, Jean Claude Duvalier. Duvalier
I have known for more than a quarter century in Port Au Prince, in the district of Bas-Peu-de-Chose, where we were neighbors. At that time Papa Doc were not disclosed even after Duvalier's personality. Doc was, quite simply, without the Pope that the mythology of power ruthlessly bloodthirsty should add to your marital status. Doc Duvalier was then a quiet doctor who was dedicated to their profession in the wrong services American Health Mission.
Each day, after leaving office, he was seen at sunset, sitting in the cool on the veranda of his modest wooden house in the small street Roy. She wore a cotton pajamas and austere leather shoes country. Generally open a book or newspaper. It was at first friendly and simple, and very popular in our neighborhood. I still remember him, caring for my 40 grade fever when I had a crisis of malaria. Proffered arm, confident, for intravenous injections. He was attentive and friendly, no criminal reflection was visible even behind the thick glass of his horn-rimmed glasses. Readily offered their services to los pobres, sin exigirles honorarios por sus visitas. Se decía en la ciudad que era el médico que conocía mejor los terribles problemas sanitarios del país.
¿Qué es la papadocracia?
   Es una estructura política que representa para una sociedad subdesarrollada lo que el nacionalsocialismo significó para una sociedad industrial avanzada en plena crisis capitalista. El concepto de negritude siguió en la mente loca de Duvalier la misma trayectoria aberrante que el socialismo en el cerebro demente de Hitler. La misma inversión criminal de valores se encuentra presente en el nazismo (como mitología de una etapa del desarrollo). Nazism and the papadocracia are absolute oppression techniques that have emerged in the two pathological pole of global capitalism. The first created a body of Waffen SS to terrorize Germany and Europe, the second organized a corps of Tontons Macoutes to terrorize the poor Haitian homes. Duvalier was the 'Black Power' a totalitarian mythology that acts as a confusing process zombification 5 million blacks. Zombification Papadocracia and intense are the same phenomenon of loss of identity and 'indigenization' without braking the old colonial violence. "

pictures of his funeral

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Supercross Birthday Cake

once, a mother wrote me this from Aruba and we

Hello karma: what good that you were angry. that yours is a matter of time but never had any doubt listen to me carefully. and I walked into the dance I dance well: S I lied and told me one evening and was dispatched on you all. You do not know but to use the same words to describe their problems, it was a long talk where I said almost the same as you and some other things. I do not remember all but the most important thing: that he was very wrong with you, who lost patience that he always had at their age difference and that you do fancy someone's life 26 years and did not realize that this is impossible and made you suffer a lot. he was a neuro problem and did anything and when I had to rest, I was tired and never go out with you or believed that by going to dance was a moron, and as you spoil her, he did not react. but above all, that he always knew that to be with you had to wait in much because you were a kid and although he always did, the last time was confounded by problems and things that happened (as the marriages of her friends) and echo plot that had anything and he had stopped believing in you and in your relationship for some things that happened to them both and that's all that I had thrown the grout blames you when he was really wrong. could not be forgiven for scratching that grabbed him had begun to demand from you things you never had demanded and had mistaken that you were the one who had to accommodate him and his times and not vice versa, and you suffered so much and you have reason to be angry. You imagine speaking to me like that so it was always silent in this regard. I could not believe it. is seen to want to hear and told me everything. for this I called the other day but I did not dare tell you. I also remember other 2 things very important as you never ask that you not go with him if he comes out because you're a club girl your life is here, and although always said he would like would not leave without your support because to him were more important than the dollars they would bring and that he had realized that if he ever returned with you and I had to wait until age 40 would do it because you wanted. but you do not forgive your mistakes and now I did not want to know anything, I noticed quite resigned, and believing that nothing good could happen.

I think it's clear that they gave was because he realized the truth. re not going to be 20 years but going to a disco or live with less trouble you not being a jerk Also you're not any asshole and he did, he is a super SWEDES ARE TWO adult. I think it is normal that may confuse the two made many efforts to be together and are not foreign to them from any doubt but realize that you love and who remain in the same project as you told me. obviously the two realized a lot in this time apart and have to correct them. I say all I can tell you beyond that, it's true that he is quite changed, much more tranqui, and do not live around doing drama, but it is sad that to me I can not hide. other hand never you have to wear, as you said, under the wing of a couple seba is or whoever and you have to grow parallel to that relationship and experience your stuff although I do not think that is a problem between you and him in that regard because I know it's a very open and always makes sure that you're free and the space you need. I do not know hey, do what you want but open their eyes and see what they built with much effort and not let it collapse overnight. you do not know what to think but he thinks that you already are not going to forgive and when one is so you can get to do anything to stop thinking or just to get the head engaged in something else and what it tells acordate Normie : do not sleep that ARE TO END LOSING .... Please do not ever say this anyone because it never would I told ya but now I messed up the bottom I hope that at least serve some purpose.

Kisses, and I kept in touch and I notice that you'll pay (when it arrives I'll take the internet bill because here, in case you forgot, payment in dollars), I salis very expensive so I hope karma worthwhile. Still you have your towel with P waiting at home.

Sayings About Canoe Trips

People who say "Holi" and "besi"

Laws Of Motion And Apollo 13

April 19, 1991, the Argentine Football Association (AFA) signed a contract with the Coded Satellite Television (TSC). So on Pay Per View system (pay to see, in Castilian) landed on the local football broadcasts. This system was implemented to the Clausura 2009, the last transmitted by TSC. Then, with the Football for All program, meetings are broadcast on a free broadcast television. Sections of A dubious business , Natalio Gorin note in the journal Figure No. 3734 of April 30, 1991

"In the near future, when initiating Football Championship First Division in season 1991/1992, should be running the 'Pay Per View' . The story drags a thought: football again is a pioneer and foundation for major changes in the media. However
, football, a passion of multitudes seems unable, through their attitudes authorities, to issue clear message to the fans that support it. On Friday April 19 at the historic building Viamonte 1366, without prior notice or press release, signed a landmark six-year contract to join the AFA with a corporation by the name of 'Coded Satellite TV' to be in charge of energizing the new system. A business that holds several million dollars had the following frame. The press officer of AFA, Washington Rivera denied during the day the contract is signed. Which in effect and on his announcement, it happened. At night, the legal representatives of both parties, Julio Humberto Grondona, the AFA, and Carlos Avila, president of 'Torneos y Competencias SA' but also a shareholder and vice president of 'Satellite TV', refused to pose together in front of photographers from different backgrounds who expected to testify the ceremony. Even more suggestive, Avila almost escaped through a side door. An operation of high economic level, which means great help to the impoverished institutions of Argentine soccer, which is also a revolutionary-stresses in Argentina "in the offer that is made to the mass viewer in the country, rather than being surrounded by light was more like a creation of shameful parenting. (...)

Don Julio hides nothing
On the third floor of AFA Julio Humberto Grondona listener questions, questions, questions that arise when comparing other exposures. He settles into his presidential chair and answer emphatically, as never before dominating temperament. Must be the years, experience, international experience has given him the FIFA vice-president.
'The search for resources for football is permanent. We negotiated the waiver with the clubs with official bodies, there was talk of higher percentage in the distribution of PRODE, update debt that has PRODE with football ... And here I would like to publish my thanks to GRAPH. This is the first time a publication is so thoroughly and so clearly on the subject of MP. There you have proved what football has given and received little in return. He said the search for resources led us to listen to a proposal for a English company (Note: refers to Donate) that was operating here in the Basketball World. But the supply of which was to broadcast live football matches. That meant give the football to television. Until it appears again the people who are connected with the AFA since 1985 (Note: refers to 'Tournaments and Competitions') and proposes a partnership to the television is known as coded. The AFA will have a presence and auditing in the new society, because the contractor will set a 40 per cent of the profits of the business. That is to say that no one showed up in this house to offer something similar or different. This is a private development that benefits us, which was negotiated by the five largest gathering Argentine clubs and had the unanimous support by all the Executive Committee. Why do I have to make a bid? Who do I have to be accountable? The AFA is a private entity. Here's all very clear. If there was no imagination in other channels is not my problem. It is not this something you expect to come and tell us what we must do ourselves. The AFA has no contract with Telefé. The contract for the Futbol de Primera is in effect and was signed to 'Tournaments and Competitions. " What this company can give I do not care. The new company, 'Coded Satellite Television', unlike 'Tournament and Skills', is associated with the AFA and from that position will not cede rights to anyone. Who can stop us deliver a live match in coded form? Who can take this right to the five major Argentine football '? "

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Rom Pokemon Soul Silverusa Frezee

Sunday, April 17, 2011

If I Buy The Wild Thornberry Game Will It Work

these days packing. The fat stored in (many) cases its 1500 books, sorted al-fa-ba-ti-ca-mind. was obvious. I bought that plastic bubbles that everyone would like to exploit to keep any porcelain dish on the road. was obvious. For now we do not panic but wait until we see our lives together in a truck and you will see. Grace and bought us a set of sheets and a non-skid rug for the bathroom downstairs # mother things that I never would notice. We are about to open a postal box to receive donations / gifts:

  • polisher (meters and meters of wood floor can be opaque, che)

  • Toaster (the fat of wipo )

  • multiprocessor (Pearl Kitchen, do not forget)

  • Wine glasses

  • Iron Grill (we fit the steaks)

Then comes the nightmare of installation services (cable, internechi, anti panic button, ja), changes in ownership and home. That is, fight with all the services to come time and we are not cheated. My god. Speaking of low-di me (well, so to speak, I'm trying to unsubscribe) Cablevision. The procedure you kindly indicate phone is: send an email requesting low and indicate the reason. I do. Write that the subject is moving. Then I get an email that says a move is no reason to leave us. Excuse me? How about you who you are, Mierdavisión to tell myself what is a good reason to leave? "We were dating and I had not noticed? And that's not the worst. The worst thing is that in the same mail inviting me to leave my new address reconectarme el cable en el upite cuando me haya instalado. Llamo otra vez al 0800. Le explico nada amablemente a la del call center que me voy del país, que dudo que me quieran instalar el cable en Tanzania. Lo digo seria. Ella hace un breve silencio pero sigue hablando y parece creerme. Me dice que me quede tranquila, que el trámite de baja está en curso. Ayer sábado, sa-ba-do, un día no laborable para la mayoría, me llama una NN de Cablevisión al celular:

-buenas tardes señorita la estamos llamando de Cablevisión


-we are calling to ask if he had any problem with the service

-and answered that question

-and you can tell the reason for the low?

-it also said, not once, twice, but I repeat again: I leave the country.

-and tell me, Miss, it will indefinitely or for a short period?

seems to me that this is not his concern, also want to tell you the date of my last period?

"I will not get me wrong, Madam, sorry if I offended blah blah

nothing-not apologize because I called on Saturday to ask me things I already explained so do me the favor of cutting my cable because I'm fucking on fire all hear me?

On Monday we'll tell you how.
Today I

Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Fix Uneven Zippers


The April 19, 1991 Walter Bula, a teenager 17, was arrested outside a concert by the rock band Redonditos Ricotta. Police moved to the 35 th a criminal background check, the next day was taken to a hospital where he died on 25 this month. Text death remains uncertain , Fabian note in the journal Polosecki The first pit, n º 5 of 9 May 1991.

"' the death of Walter, died a part of society, and then the whole society that must find the causes of and solutions to death is not repeated '. Bula Lorena thus synthesized the collective responsibility that fits in the investigation of the death of his brother, reading last Friday and before more than three thousand students, parents and teachers gathered outside the Congress, the letter that the educational community sent to the chairs of both houses of Congress. While set in motion the slowest part of that society that has so far not been able to end police violence and the legal instruments that permit, the direct victims in this case the family of Walter Bulacio ", supported by thousands of students and young people are still potential victim the same to Walter , took the first steps in that direction.
The case is currently in the hands of Alfredo Barbarosh Coroner, who is involved in the murder complaint filed with the sponsorship of lawyers María del Carmen Verdú, Daniel Strage. The first hearing of the case the lawyers were allowed access to details until then ignored in public statements made by Sectional 35 policemen who arrested Walter on Friday April 19 at 22 compared to stage works and left him 12 hours later in an ambulance in a state of semi consciousness.
From the medical reports contained in the case shows that:
Walter had cranial brain trauma caused his unconsciousness.
A certificate signed by Dr. Albert L. Tardivo (Pirovano Hospital), realizes that ' shots (vs) face 36 hours of development and frontal contusion. " (Sic)
Another certificate, unsigned, the same hospital also indicates the existence of head injury and adds to the view that you had X-rays at Hospital Fernandez, crack a rib.
The result of the scan performed in the Mitre Sanatorium diagnosed brain clot and stroke and the proviso that the picture is consistent with previous diagonóstico head trauma.
On the other hand, the autopsy performed at the Judicial Morgue, considered incomplete by lawyers for the family and next to repeat with the participation of physicians from the Academy and School of Medicine and an expert from the complainant, is revealing in that Walter had a hematoma of 3 x 2 cm in the right sole and multiple abrasions on the back of his right leg. The autopsy also awarded the death of Walter to spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, nontraumatic , fueling the theory of the explosion of an aneurysm.
In broad terms, and adding that according to doctors for consulting the prosecuting attorneys, a cerebral aneurysm may burst due to a pressure spike caused by the ill treatment received, the situation of unjustified imprisonment and nervousness whole situation, this is the state that Walter fell after an arrest on account of the police edicts that allowed the 34 branch agents to deprive of liberty without intervention of a juvenile court, claiming much later, and when the death of Walter burned them the hands, the supposed crime of agglomeration .
data and the enormous amount of accumulated history for suspicion that Walter police hit him, or at the time said the doctor Tardivo to parents, 'if not, hit him in the hospital ', which itself is unlikely. "

case in Bulacio Without conviction, Channel 9 program that recreated police cases.


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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Shocked By Size Of Cock

DIED 25 YEARS AGO Simone de Beauvoir
The April 14, 1986 died in Paris, his hometown, writer and feminist Simone de Beauvoir, one of the most important intellectual figures and committed in France in the twentieth century. Profile of the author, in fragments of The farewell ceremony, Cristina Civale note in The Journalist Buenos Aires, n º 84 of 18 April 1986.

'Since I stopped believing in God I had a great fear of death, and fear of death creates the precarious sense of life, and then comes the anxiety. "
"But rather than face the possibility of one's death, Simone de Beauvoir was filled with horror and anger when thinking of a world empty of their loved ones in which, in the absence disturbing, and not worth staying . In his affective world were crossing names of his mother, old friends of his youth and intense, especially that of Jean Paul Sartre, her partner. Given these deaths so close in recent times and was not afraid to reflect on their own: "Death is not a valid interlocutor and is an enemy to fight. So I do not think that is more frightening to me as well, she will sleep. " And on April 14 last she slept.
A youth obsession and maturity by death, to the anguish of the incorruptible finitude, Simone de Beauvoir, the Beaver, as they called their friends, opposes a life of hard strokes, the passions postponed.
She revealed the secret of his life was shaped by three pulses constants: a, Montparnasse, a practice, writing, a man, Sartre. Indeed, when she was a baby, and he enjoyed playing with dolls, also played to type.
His thoughts were displayed in the writing, both in tests and fictions, adheres to the idea of \u200b\u200bAndré Gide, that 'being more individual is how universal it is. " The Beaver said, without giving rise to hesitation: "In the philosophy called existentialism, and which adhere the world is a totality destotalizada. This means that on the one hand there is a world that is the same for everyone, but that otherwise we are all in position with respect to him, and that this means our past, our class, our status, our projects: in short, the whole of what constitutes our individuality. And each situation involves, in one way or another, the whole world. "
The lunge da Simone de Beauvoir to bourgeois culture and obscenely sexist, therefore, authoritarian obscenely on your continued solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed. When you see, for example, Algerian emigrants at the time of war are tortured rebels and participating in street demonstrations. When you see the Vietnamese people crushed by American bombs of napalm participates in the activities of the Russell Tribunal. When France said a war in Indochina, Dien Bien Phu greeted as a victory. When the Soviet Union pulled its tanks in Budapest and Prague public expressed outrage.
And she also knew, because he belonged to the oppressed majority mass-eluting meet the aspirations of women of this age. In The Second Sex, an essay that appeared in 1949, crumbling what being a woman in the eyes of others, explores the reality of women in both the physiology and studying the history and evolution of the feminine condition. Refuses to subordinate women's issues to other issues such as class struggle. Thus, erase the false barriers that separate the private from the political and included the former on the latter.

Sartre, partner
"The greatest achievement of my life is Sartre ', once said Simone de Beauvoir. With him, whom he met at the Sorbonne, with Paul Nizan and Maheu, built an original pair. Never lived together because they share the world knew not meant to live under one roof and they shared the world in a less petty. (...) Unfairly, when we talk about Simone de Beauvoir is attached inevitably nicknamed 'wife or companion of Sartre', as if his main achievement was to have lived with him for over fifty years. But the reality is that both had the exquisite privilege of accompanying one another. Moreover, it was what she did for herself. "

Part of the documentary about Simone de Beauvoir by Virginie Linhart

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How To Win A Bumper Boats Trophy On Millsberry

In celebration

thousand entries. how time flies, hey!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Rugrats Go Wild Wildlife Rescue Game Problems

Fundamentalists of the duplex.

Friday, April 8, 2011

National Pressure Cooker Of Eauclaire Wis.

A phrase that is playing much A house white

to boteeeeessssssss.

Laser 2 Hull Number Age

you are not a lot of lonely nights in my living room. In my living room many solitudes are not shared with me. Had to be: this space, which sometimes reminds you and you seem to see you sitting on the couch, going to be another that does not even know your name, never saw you here and know that when you laugh you's achin eyes. There will be signs of your years here. Which is invisible yet sometimes becomes visible. In my bathroom you only have the memory of the surprise that cover lifted. But no more. This house will be within a few days, a white house. It is incredible that it will be something of yours. Nor is it something of yours on me. That was it, no?