TO 60 YEARS OF DEATH Homero Manzi
The May 3, 1951 died Homero Manzi, a prominent composer, filmmaker, journalist and union and political activist. Considered one of the greatest poets of the tango, his major works were composed with Sebastián Piana and musician Aníbal Troilo. In addition to his outstanding musical work was a film director and screenwriter. Sections of No wonder people wanted , note Contact magazine in 1971.
"Homero Manzi was many things. Political fervor, embracing the popular cause until his death in 1951. was lively, at times, forging, this group of people fighting in the silence, which lashed the country's surrender and the violation of people's rights. Scalabrini Ortiz stood by and Jauretche, dos grandes escritores políticos.
Fue un excelente poeta, original y trascendente. También fue un excelente conductor de familia. Y como todo lo que hacía lo hacía bien, también fue un auténtico jugador de carreras, un jugador hasta el apremio.
Pero sin embargo Manzi fue, por sobre todas las cosas, el padre del gran cine nacional. Un cine que después de su muerte comenzó a languidecer, interminablemente. Basta con repasar en el recuerdo los títulos de sus grandes obras. En ellas, es cierto, tuvo colaboración. Pero todos reconocen que fue él quien daba el impulso vital, la gran creación.
Desde "With his finger on the trigger 'to' A Man 'and' barbaric Pampa." From 'The best student' and 'Where words die' to 'last minstrel', tracing the life of Betinoti while evoking the labor struggles of the 20's.
Man At death, Homero Manzi was 44 years old. Exteme premature death happened three years of cruel suffering and operations. He was born on 1 November 1907 Añatuya, a town of Santiago del Estero, where his father ran a small field. He studied in Buenos Aires and was admitted into a college of Pompeii. And it was against any assumption, an good student.
Manzi's wife, Mrs. Casilda Vildosola, not idealize the past. And his claim that convinces Homer particularly cared for his family. Children attended to every detail. And home became the home of his great friends. He had some habits that are often not understood in those who are not poets. Awoke to the most wanted to read his poems, get them excited about their ideas, explain the plot of his films. Naturally, he lived by night and slept late. And yet they failed to fulfill any of its obligations as a father. It was creative, talkative, 'a little lazy' (and did what he did), something distracted, very shrewd and passionate about racing. From Monday to Wednesday commented what happened. From Wednesday to Friday what would happen. If ever, rather, the time that there was economic hardship at home was by the passion that Manzi, like other famous men of the show, he cultivated with such dedication. The years of illness were difficult. First lived in Palermo, Gold Street, where he died Manzi. Then they moved to the center. That is where there is now a small museum of Manzi. Among many roles comes a significant: his famous policy statement 47. With Perón
Homer Manzi, was born poet and politician was born. Boedo first, then at the University (as enacted in the Law School and was imprisoned in Villa Devoto), later in the neighborhood of San Cristobal, and forging.
On December 16, 1947, read by the broadcast chain, a document setting out its position.
lambasted the former world you live in the village had made Argentina: '... Since the tragic frustrations (political) Argentina began to experience a section of its history that will forever be recognized as the stage of moral decay within which the delivery of heritage and the process of national inferiority of man, joined the consolidation of a caste insensitive to the desperate claims of the poor, the honest, the Patriots. " And he summed up his commitment to the government of the people: "The Argentine people, in free elections, said the high word. That the spirits desoigan insensitive to the pitch, it seems inevitable. But they remain willfully deaf who have honed the soul for harmony, it is seen as incongruous and cruel. "
Peron, whose movement had caused the courageous commitment Manzi, said recently in Madrid, producing the best definition of the poet who now honored Buenos Aires: "Not only was a minstrel. Manzi was a great guy, a national type '. "
South , tango performed by Homero Manzi and Anibal Troilo, Edmundo Rivero
Trailer of the movie' Homero Manzi. A poet in the storm '
Hugo del Carril sings' The last minstrel' , Manzi film
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