Friday, April 15, 2011

How To Fix Uneven Zippers


The April 19, 1991 Walter Bula, a teenager 17, was arrested outside a concert by the rock band Redonditos Ricotta. Police moved to the 35 th a criminal background check, the next day was taken to a hospital where he died on 25 this month. Text death remains uncertain , Fabian note in the journal Polosecki The first pit, n º 5 of 9 May 1991.

"' the death of Walter, died a part of society, and then the whole society that must find the causes of and solutions to death is not repeated '. Bula Lorena thus synthesized the collective responsibility that fits in the investigation of the death of his brother, reading last Friday and before more than three thousand students, parents and teachers gathered outside the Congress, the letter that the educational community sent to the chairs of both houses of Congress. While set in motion the slowest part of that society that has so far not been able to end police violence and the legal instruments that permit, the direct victims in this case the family of Walter Bulacio ", supported by thousands of students and young people are still potential victim the same to Walter , took the first steps in that direction.
The case is currently in the hands of Alfredo Barbarosh Coroner, who is involved in the murder complaint filed with the sponsorship of lawyers María del Carmen Verdú, Daniel Strage. The first hearing of the case the lawyers were allowed access to details until then ignored in public statements made by Sectional 35 policemen who arrested Walter on Friday April 19 at 22 compared to stage works and left him 12 hours later in an ambulance in a state of semi consciousness.
From the medical reports contained in the case shows that:
Walter had cranial brain trauma caused his unconsciousness.
A certificate signed by Dr. Albert L. Tardivo (Pirovano Hospital), realizes that ' shots (vs) face 36 hours of development and frontal contusion. " (Sic)
Another certificate, unsigned, the same hospital also indicates the existence of head injury and adds to the view that you had X-rays at Hospital Fernandez, crack a rib.
The result of the scan performed in the Mitre Sanatorium diagnosed brain clot and stroke and the proviso that the picture is consistent with previous diagonóstico head trauma.
On the other hand, the autopsy performed at the Judicial Morgue, considered incomplete by lawyers for the family and next to repeat with the participation of physicians from the Academy and School of Medicine and an expert from the complainant, is revealing in that Walter had a hematoma of 3 x 2 cm in the right sole and multiple abrasions on the back of his right leg. The autopsy also awarded the death of Walter to spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, nontraumatic , fueling the theory of the explosion of an aneurysm.
In broad terms, and adding that according to doctors for consulting the prosecuting attorneys, a cerebral aneurysm may burst due to a pressure spike caused by the ill treatment received, the situation of unjustified imprisonment and nervousness whole situation, this is the state that Walter fell after an arrest on account of the police edicts that allowed the 34 branch agents to deprive of liberty without intervention of a juvenile court, claiming much later, and when the death of Walter burned them the hands, the supposed crime of agglomeration .
data and the enormous amount of accumulated history for suspicion that Walter police hit him, or at the time said the doctor Tardivo to parents, 'if not, hit him in the hospital ', which itself is unlikely. "

case in Bulacio Without conviction, Channel 9 program that recreated police cases.


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