On Friday May 21, 1976 the dictatorship of General Jorge Rafael Videla reported that it would undertake "a thorough investigation" on the abduction of journalists and politicians Uruguayans Zelmar Michelini and Hector Gutierrez Ruiz. Kidnapped in Buenos Aires on the morning of Tuesday 18, the news deserved the front page of La Opinión . Text Government investigates the disappearance of journalists , cover story of May 22, 1976.
"The National Executive said yesterday it has ordered a 'thorough investigation' into 'disappearances of journalists in recent days," according to a statement released by the Department of Public Information of the Presidency nation.
The Secretariat's document states: 'Given the disappearances of journalists in recent days, which caused concern in various circles of the country and abroad, and which also participates the National Government, the minister of Interior, General Albano Harguindeguy Brigade, said it has collected extensive reports on the disappearances. Similarly, although in some cases there are no complaints with the police of the Federal Capital, has ordered a thorough investigation of the cases reported by different means. "
reporter La Opinión, Mr. Zelmar Michelini, former senator and minister of Uruguay, was kidnapped at dawn last Tuesday by a group of strangers who entered, heavily armed, the Central Hotel Liberty where he was staying with two of his children. Earlier had
A similar episode occurred in the home of Mr. Hector Gutierrez Ruiz, former president of the Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay, another group of strangers who subtracted from his home in the presence of the wife and children. In both cases, the hostages were hooded by their captors, who also looted their belongings.
Montevideo diaries realized the two episodes yesterday, adding the kidnapping of Miguel Liberoff Argentine doctor, with extensive activity in Uruguay, where he joined the union of medical professionals. According to the press in Montevideo, Dr. Liberoff was abducted last Thursday night at his home the city of Buenos Aires.
Michelini and Gutiérrez Ruiz Both are in the country since 1973. The first year he joined the international section La Opinión , while the second is devoted to commercial activities since. "
Before crimes Michelini and Gutiérrez Ruiz were killed or disappeared in Argentina workers Releases:
José Domingo Colombo. 03/10/1973 Killed Julius Caesar
Fumarola. Killed 02/06/1974
Rodolfo Ortega Peña. Killed 31/07/1974 Mauricio
Borghi. 09/26/1974 detainee-disappeared
Barraza Pedro Leopoldo. Killed 13/10/1974
Carlos Ernesto Laham. Killed on 13.10.1974. His body was found next to Pedro Barraza
Santucho René Francisco. 01/04/1975 detainee-disappeared
Maurice Jeger. 07/08/1975 detainee-disappeared
Ana Maria Estevao. Assassinated 21/10/1975
Mario Oscar Goldberg. 29/10/1975 detained-disappeared
Ricardo Gabriel Jiménez. 01/07/1976 detainee-disappeared
Mazzucchi Frantchez Winston Caesar. Arrested-disappeared
02/08/1976 Ariel Melo Nebi Cuesta. 02/08/1976 detainee-disappeared
Ricardo Dominguez. 24/02/1976 detainee-disappeared
Maria Elena Amadio. Detained-disappeared on 03/23/1976
Tilo Wenner. 03/26/1976 detainee-disappeared
Waldino Mario Herrera. Arrested-disappeared and murdered 19/04/1976 03/05/1976
Haroldo Conti. 05/05/1976 detained-disappeared
Lucina Alvarez de Barros. Detained-disappeared on 05/07/1976
Oscar Osvaldo Barros. 05/07/1976 detainee-disappeared. Lucina's husband Guillermo Alvarez
Bettanin. 05/07/1976 detainee-disappeared
Carlos Alberto Perez. 05/08/1976 detainee-disappeared
Mario Angel Hernandez. 05/11/1976 detainee-disappeared
Roberto Juan Carmelo Sinigaglia. 05/11/1976 detainee-disappeared
Santiago José Illa Nicoletti. 05/12/1976 detainee-disappeared
Roberto Moyano Jorge Daniel Vega. 05/12/1976 detainee-disappeared
Manuel Liberoff Peisajovich. 05/19/1976 detainee-disappeared
Documentary "Final Destination: Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz, and William Zelmar Michelini Whitelaw ". Part 1 / 1 2
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